  • 期刊

Investigating Taiwanese Students' Autonomous Use of an On-line English Instructional Program



東亞洲的英語教學多以考試為導向,因此研究學者常針對該區學習者自主權的合適性做調查。其中有指出在臺灣英語學習環境下,學習者自主權並非成功的必要因素。本文作者則認為教師應從旁支援、指導,以推動學生自主性地運用網路系統學習英語。「精英英語」(Elite English)為一商業線上會話課程,內容設計分為四級,每分級有32個單元及配合評量。為加強學生英語溝通能力,一所北部大學於2008年購置該網路平台並指定為課外練習作業;凡修習語實課程學生須通過線上能力測驗,於一學期內完成一個分級與其評量。未達規定著者,教師可依其未練習之單元比例扣減學期成績,最多可扣20分。為瞭解學生對本身學習者主控(learner control)形態的認知,作者使用問卷與訪談方式,並採適合東方文化的四類主控模式(afour-control model)(cf. Hsu, 2007)角度,探討經由此課外自主學習過程,學生在語言學習的獲益與負責態度方面是否有所提昇或改善。99位學生繳回問卷,其中78位並以個別或小組方式接受訪談。研究結果顯示,大多數學生(接近80%)因線上課外作業會影響其學習成績而安排上網練習時間。更令人鼓舞地,部分學生經過熟悉線上操作及學習課程內容後,樂於提昇其學習者自主權,自我規範的學習態度因此有正面加強的效果。


Many L2 researchers have looked into the suitability of learner autonomy in the exam-oriented East Asian educational context, and some even claim that autonomy does not seem to be necessary for English learning success in Taiwan. In this study, the researcher presents evidence that learners' self-directed autonomous use of CALL can be encouraged under teachers' supportive guidance. Elite English, a commercial on-line English learning program, had been selected by a university in north Taiwan as a self-access learning tool for use outside of class. The language content is divided into four levels, each of which has 32 units with associated tests for self-assessment. In 2008, all students taking the university's English Language Lab course were required to complete one of the four levels in order to speed the improvement of their English skills. If they failed to meet the requirement, their final grades would be reduced up to 20 points. To investigate students' perceptions of the benefits from such a supplementary program, this study adopts a five-point Likert scale and open-ended questionnaire. Analysis of the survey results applies a four-control model geared towards Chinese culture first developed by Hsu (2007). Ninety-nine students responded to the survey in class, and seventy-eight were interviewed individually or in small groups. The study's findings show that the majority of participants (more than 80%) would do what they were assigned, mostly because it affected their course grades. However, more encouragingly, many demonstrated higher degrees of learner autonomy after having experienced the on-line learning program. Therefore, self-regulated awareness appears to have been enhanced among these students.


learner autonomy learner control self-access


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Chang, K. C. C. (2012). Fostering Learner Autonomy Through Empowering Students in EFL Writing. 英語教學期刊, 36(3), 39-85. https://doi.org/10.6330/ETL.2012.36.3.02
