  • 期刊


The Influence of People's Cultural Activities Participation and Sense of Gain on the Life Satisfaction


藝文活動參與是民眾日常生活、品味的體現,也可能直接影響生活滿意,然而,評估民眾精神層面滿足程度的獲得感介入是否會影響生活滿意則有待澄清。因此,本研究主要探討民眾藝文活動參與對生活滿意的影響,並以獲得感作為中介變項,據以作為評估民眾生活滿意的原因。資料採用臺灣社會變遷基本調查第7 期第1 次資料庫進行分析,有效樣本共有2,034 份,經描述統計、相關分析及階層迴歸分析發現,藝文活動參與、獲得感及生活滿意具有顯著相關。研究結論發現民眾藝文活動參與次數愈多且有良好的獲得感,則他們的生活滿意愈好。


The cultural activities participation is the embodiment of the daily life and taste of the people, and directly affects the satisfaction of life. However, it remains to be clarified whether a sense of access to the satisfaction of people’s spirit will affect the life satisfaction. This study discusses the influence of the public cultural activities participation on life satisfaction, and takes the sense of acquisition as an intermediary variable, to which evaluate the satisfaction of the people's life. Of 2,034 valid samples were collected from the seventh phase first database of the Taiwan social change survey. It revealed that the sense of people's gain was significantly related to their life satisfaction by correlation analysis and hieratical regression analysis. The conclusion reveal that people further participated in cultural activities have better sense of gain and life satisfaction.


happiness self-value self-esteem TSCS
