  • 期刊


Conflicts and Prospects of Water Resources in Asia




Asia, as the world's largest continent, has almost 50 countries with around 58% of the world population, recent industrial development and population growth result in the increase of demand for water resources. It becomes more and more difficult to provide adequate water for many countries in the region. Furthermore, in the face of both unevenly spatial and temporal distributions of water resources and the growing concern of climate change, it is worried that the situation would become even worse. Many major rivers of Asia affect not just a single state’s lifeline and interests, the international conflict and cooperation over use of water are becoming crucial. The overall prospects for the future of water resources in Asia include the need to overcome the issues of too much (flood), too little (water resource shortage), and too dirty (water pollution) in water supply along with the degrading ecological environment. To develop new water resource is difficult for many countries now. Therefore, water saving is one of the key methods to increase water resource.


