  • 期刊


A Study of Seat Design for Applying Humorous Theory


本研究採用了對應分析的方法檢視 Easywares 之幽默語意感受為:簡單的、容易的、舒適的、安逸的、易讓人喜歡、迷人趣味和幽默好玩等七項之間的關係,綜合各模型的分析結果,我們對於Easywares之語意感受有了一些基本的認識。對應分析圖不僅呈現 Easywares 在不同的個人特徵下的形構狀態,這些不同類型的語意感受和性別/教育、居住地區(台灣)的類別確存在著某種程度的對應關係。其中發現男性比較重視偏向安逸、舒適的感覺,女性反映出她們在社會結構文化的位置;而中部學生希望簡單、舒適及容易的語彙;而北部學生則傾向迷人及幽默的感覺。


Whether research this adopt corresponding method that analyses inspect humorous language Italy of Easywares it experiences to be. Simple, easy, comfortable, easy, apt relation between seven items of letting people like, pleasant and interesting and humorous and interesting etc., synthesize the analysis result of every model, experience some basic understanding in our language purpose to Easywares. The corresponding analysis chart not merely presents Easywares shape under different personal characteristics and constructs the state, experience the corresponding relation that a certain degree really exists with the sex/the classifications of the education, residence in these different kinds of language purpose. Among them find that man relatively pay attention to leaning to the easy, comfortable feeling, women reflect that they are in the position of social structure culture; And middle part students hope for the simple, comfortable and easy vocabulary; Northern students are inclined to the pleasant and humorous feeling.


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