  • 學位論文


Black Humor Image and Its Application in Product Design

指導教授 : 曹永慶


「幽默」一直是人與人相處間良好的溝通橋樑,設計師在設計時導入幽默意象的元素,可讓產品更加親切,引起大眾共鳴而更受歡迎與青睞。本研究之目的在探討(1)黑色幽默的意義與構成要素;(2)黑色幽默所具有的特徵;(3)黑色幽默屬性產品的意象結構組成;(4)黑色幽默屬性產品的設計表現手法。具體研究成果如下: (1)黑色幽默的意義與構成要素 黑色幽默的意義與構成要素為極端的同時呈現、不相關的同時呈現、及移置作用的呈現。 (2)黑色幽默所具有的特徵 黑色幽默的特徵為負面的、悲慘的、恐怖的、不悅的、極端的及難懂的。 (3)黑色幽默屬性產品的意象結構 黑色幽默產品的意象結構可由災難程度、逆諷程度及瞭解程度之三主成分所構成。其中,黑色幽默產品可分為「幸災樂禍群」、「異想天開群」、「顛覆嘲弄群」、「體會認同群」,又以幸災樂禍群的產品最容易造成黑色幽默感受。 黑色幽默產品的黑色幽默程度、幽默程度與創意性具有正相關的關係;「又負面又幽默」之綜合性評價受到「又悲慘又幽默」、「又諷刺又幽默」二組意象影響。 (4)黑色幽默屬性產品的設計表現手法 黑色幽默產品設計表現手法多由產品機能動作、操作使用動作、產品所需完成事務導入,進行關鍵動作之事例聯想,並將聯想內容轉化為產品設計之要素進行設計。 使用黑色幽默設計手法,產生產品構想之創意度與黑色幽默程度有正相關的關係;且不同之四群集設計手法在黑色幽默程度上具有差異,黑色幽默程度高低為幸災樂禍群>異想天開群>顛覆嘲弄群>體會認同群。


”Humor” always is a best communication bridge for people. While designing, the designer put the element of humorous image can make the product being more genial and being more popular & welcome with public consonance. The purpose of this study is to understand and discuss (1) meaning and constructing element of black humor; (2) features of black humor; (3) imagery structure construction for the products with the property black humor; (4) the expression way of design in the products with the property of black humor. (1)Meaning and constructing element of black humor The meaning and constructing element of black humor is extreme expression at the same time, un-correlative expression at the same time and expression of displacement. (2)Features of black humor The features of black humor is negative, misery, terrible, unhappy, extreme and hard to understand. (3)Imagery structure construction for the products with the property black humor The imagery structure construction for the products with the property black humor are composed by degree of disaster, degree of anti-satire and degree of understanding. In which, products of black humor can be divided into Schadenfreude group, vagaries group, derision group, and appreciation & identification group. In which, products of schadenfreude group is the one which is easy to cause feeling of black humor. Positive correlation was found among the degree of black humor, degree of humor and originality. The synthetic evaluation of “negative and humorous” is affected by “misery but humorous” and “ironic but humorous”. (4)The expression way of design in the products with the property of black humor The expression way of designing products of black humor can be led from mechanic action of product, operational action, affairs that should be finished by the product to carry out the example association for key movement. And then it can transform the content of association into the element of the product design for proceeding design. Positive correlation was found among the way to use black humor for design, the originality for creating the idea of product and the degree of black humor. The design methods from these four groups are different in the degree of black humor. The degree for black humor in these four groups can be arranged with Schadenfreude group>vagaries group>derision group>appreciation & identification group.


Design image of product Black humor Humor


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