  • 期刊


A Study on the Development of Professional and Technical Certification of the Interior Design Industry


臺灣室內設計產業專業技術的認證,源自於公部門對火災公安的正視與裝修行為的管理,制訂了專業技術人員培訓與舉辦技術士檢定考試。隨著考試法修正案通過,專門職業及技術人員新增室內設計類科也有其必要。本探究透過文獻回顧與專家訪談會議,透過產業技術認證發展歷程,進行1996 年頒布室內裝修管理辦法至2015 年的脈絡探索,提出其產業發展的五項特徵與四點現象。研究具體的成果有二:一、產業專技認證發展的具體特徵包含:(1) 競賽作品展現專業;(2) 產業組織自訂評鑑;(3) 高等教育科系增加;(4)落實裝修安全管理;(5) 政府認證機制啟動。二、產業專技認證發展的現象包含:(1) 建築與室設專業分工與職業範疇界定;(2) 室內設計應涵蓋設計規劃與裝修施工;(3) 教育學習考試與實務脈絡的核心價值;(4)推動專技人員新增類科回歸到專業性。臺灣的室內設計產業早已成為一門專業職業,如何賦予其專業地位,儼然成為其專技認證發展中最重要的意義。


The professional and technical certification of Taiwan's interior design industry was established due to the public security sector's respect for the public security concerning fire accidents and the management of interior decoration and repair. The sector has therefore designed training programs for professional and technical personnel, as well as organized examinations for the personnel. With the approval of the amendment of the Examination Act, it is regarded as necessary to include the category of interior design into the examinations for professional and technical personnel. By reviewing the literature and interviewing experts, this study probes into the development of professional and technical certification of the interior design industry, in order to explore the progression of the Regulation of Interior Decoration and Repair from its promulgation in 1996 to 2015. This study identifies five characteristics and four phenomena regarding the development of the professional and technical certification of the interior design industry. The characteristics include: (1) the professionalism displayed in works for interior design contests; (2) the evaluations set up by organizations of the industry; (3) the increasing number of interior design departments in higher education; (4) the implementation of the management of interior decoration and repair safety; and (5) the activation of the qualification mechanism by the government. The phenomena include: (1) the professional division of labor and determination of the professional scope of the architecture and interior design industry; (2) the inclusion of the planning of design and execution of decoration and repair within interior design; (3) the core value of educational examinations and practices; and (4) the promotion of the professionalism of the additional categories for professional and technical personnel. Taiwan's interior design has already become a profession. Therefore, the most important implication of the development of the professional and technical certification is its recognition of the professionalism of the interior design industry.


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考試院(2013)。「專門職業及技術人員考試法」修正案。取自https://www.google.com.tw/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwi-67-UxNLQAhVFv5QKHZNCBngQFggbMAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwwwc.moex.gov.tw%2Fmain%2Fnews%2FwHandNews_F i l e . a shx%3 Fnews _ id%3D1 4 0 2%2 6 s e r i a l _n o % 3 D 2 & u s g = A F Q j C N Gmj R n _MD 8 p -yhyoWNofE3_xWvQKg


