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The Investigation of Accelerometry with Application in Sit-To-Stand Motion Analysis of Patients




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Recent studies have frequently investigated the application of accelerometry in sit-tostand task (STS), because of its advantages with include its being inexpensive, ecological and simple to use clinically. Many studies have confirmed accelerometryto be a valid and reliable tool for the examination of STS movement comparing it with force platforms and opto-electronic devices. Moreover, accelerometryhas been used todiscriminategroups with different STS performance and to detect improvement in strength, balance in elderly after receiving exercise intervention, as well as prediction of fall risk. Combining clinical functional test and accelerometry provides an easy and accurate way to obtain more data of quantify movement timing, postural control, and motion analysis compared with performing clinical functional test alone. The placement of accelerometric sensors during STS task close to body center of mass (e.g. lumber, sternum and hip) and sensitive to sagittal direction (e.g. medial point of lateral thigh) have been widely applied, and the parameters derived from are root means square (RMS) of acceleration and angular velocity in the related studies.


Accelerometry Sit-to-stand Validity Reliability Parameter


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