  • 期刊


The East and the West as Portrayed in Natsume Soseki's Works : Using "Sanshiro" as an Example




三四郎 東方 西方 近代化


Renowned Japanese writer Natsume Soseki was not only well schooled in Japanese and Chinese classics, he also majored in English literature in university, and had translated the medieval Japanese classic "Houjouki" into English by the time he graduated. Later, in 1900, he went abroad to Britain on government scholarship to continue his study of English literature. With this educational background, finding the balance between the East and the West in literary creation naturally became one of Soseki's main concerns. This is especially prominent in his earlier works. This paper will focus on one of Soseki's earlier works "Sanshiro," and discuss questions such as how the protagonist Sanshiro, having been born in Kyushu, came to face the modernization of a major metropolis, and how this modernization impacted the protagonist. Modernization, as portrayed in the novel, can be represented by the architecture and transportation of this new metropolis. However, one can also discuss the portrayal of modernization through the characters of people Sanshiro comes into contact with, their thoughts, and the way young men and women interact. Through this analysis, one can gain insight as to how Soseki viewed the East and the West during this time.


Sanshiro the East the West modernization
