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藝術資優教育之課程發展新探:以美國Project ARTS爲研究案例

Prospective Curriculum Development in Art Education for Gifted and Talented Students: Project ARTS as the Study focus


台灣的藝術資優教育之課程與教學往往過度強調藝術家養成的專業知識與技術的訓練,以至於學習內涵、方式與向度都不夠多元有彈性且具前瞻性。近年來,歐美教育學者強調有關藝術資優教育的課題有必要從文化環境影響因素的角度去研究和探討,藉此開展更強有力的教育成效。爲了能夠充分了解歐美國家在這方面的努力與實踐成效,本研究特以美國Project ARTS的課程與評量方式進行研究,希望可以充分整理、比較、分析此計畫中所包含七所不同地區文化的國小各自發展出的整合社區資源的課程設計與教學範例與實務,並能深入探討與了解這些問題的種種面向,以便可以提供台灣藝術資優教育或一班藝術教育課程發展領域一個很實際的參考範例。


In Taiwan, art education for artistically talented students has been emphasized with a mission of preparing students for future artists; thus, its curricula and pedagogies often center on the learning of professional art knowledge and techniques. Such a learning circumstance is like a one-way street that is not diversified enough to satisfy different needs and goals. Recently, art educators and scholars in the west have recognized the significance of innovating art education for artistically talented students from a socio-culture-environmental perspective. In order to learn from the advanced, this study therefore sets forth to research on Project ARTS, a three-year granted research that includes seven programs for ethnically diverse, economically disadvantaged, high ability, visual arts students in rural communities in the United States. By a thorough exploration on its curricula, pedagogical strategies, and evaluation methods, this study would present detailed examples of how Project ARTS undertook the ”community-based art programs for artistically talented students in rural communities”. It is hoped that this study will benefit Taiwan's art education for artistically talented students in both theoretical and practical senses.
