  • 學位論文


A Study on Elementary School Students' Creativity through Integrated Curriculum in Contemporary Art Education

指導教授 : 郭禎祥


本研究為「從當代藝術教育統整課程教學探討學童創造力表現研究」,研究對象為臺北市某國小之二、四、六年級學童,主要的研究目的有三: 一、了解學童在當代藝術教育統整課程教學實施過程之反應與回饋。 二、探討不同年級與性別之學童,在當代藝術教育課程教學前、後的創造力表現變化。 三、了解不同年級與性別之學童在當代藝術教育課程教學前、後的創作想法與作品特徵之差異。 研究者透過為期十三週之當代藝術教育統整課程教學之實施,並透過實驗法與內容分析法的研究方法策略,以了解學童在課程實施前、後的發展性表現與變化,在研究實施之後得到主要的三點結論: 一、學童在當代藝術教育統整課程教學的實施過程中,想像與創作的「可能性」概念連結,從一開始的微弱,到之後的豐富多元,顯示出當代藝術教育統整課程教學,對於學童在創造思維與表現力有明顯之影響。 二、透過量化分析可以發現,當代藝術教育統整課程教學實施之後,三個年級學童的創造力表現皆有所進步,且大部分的創造能力,六年級優於四年級與二年級;四年級也優於二年級。這顯示出三個年級的學童同樣受到當代藝術教育統整課程教學之影響,而表現出優於前測的創造力表現,且六年級受到的影響最大;後測結果,女生學童與男生學童大部分之創造表現能力皆相似,唯「分析批判能力」與「整體表現能力」,女生學童顯著得優於男生學童,從這裡也可以看出當代藝術教育統整課程教學,對不同性別學童的創造力表現影響差異。 三、從不同年級與性別學童對「一個美好家園」之創作想法與作品構成安排的內容分析可發現,在不同三個年級之低、高分組學童的想法概念表現,後測時已有明顯的拉近。低分組學童在前測時的想法表現,思考較為實際與簡單,想像性與創意性的想法較少出現,但在後測時,其思考表現並不會遜色於高分組學童之想像內容,甚至其創意超過高分組學童之想法,內容上也延伸更多的觸角與概念,不像先前的單一思考面向;在作品的構成安排分析方面發現,除了二年級低分組外,二年級高分組與四、六年級高、低分組之前、後測作品構成安排的特徵大多由「以家園整體環境為中心,家園中的房子是其中的一部分」轉向「以和非現實世界之事物(精靈、天使、糖果屋等)的互動安排為主。在性別分析方面,男、女生學童的創作想法後測,雙方出現最多的思考依舊以「符合個人期望的特殊功能或狀態」的美好家園思考為主,但與女生相較之下,「類似想像中的童話或夢幻國度」的想法反應,女生較多於男生,而男生還是有許多的思考是比較偏重於「可以在家園裡玩樂」的反應;在作品的構成安排分析方面發現,男、女生學童皆由「以家園整體環境為中心,家園中的房子是其中的一部分」轉向「以和非現實世界之事物(精靈、天使、糖果屋等)的互動安排為主,而房子不一定會出現」之特徵。 此外,研究者亦針對本研究之研究發現與結果,提出幾項建議與心得,以供日後涉及此相關議題研究之學者與教師參考之用。


“A study on elementary school students’ creativity through integrated curriculum in contemporary art education” is a study which aims at school children in the second, fourth and sixth grades from an elementary school in Taipei and has three major purposes respectively as followed: Firstly, understand the response and feedback from the school children during the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education; secondly, discuss the difference of school children’s creativity performance among different age groups and gender groups after the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education; thirdly, understand the differentiation among creative ideas and the characteristic of artwork of the school children among different age groups and gender groups after the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education. The researcher has preceded the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education for thirteen weeks and adopted the experimental research and the content analysis to understand school children’s development and difference before the curriculums and after the curriculums. After the research, three points are concluded: I. During the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education, school children showed weak connection between the “possibility” of imagination and creative artwork at the beginning, while they displayed diverse linkage later, which explains that the integrated curriculums in contemporary art education do place great influence on school children’s creative thinking and performance. II. With quantitative analysis, it is found that children in the three grades have big improvement in creativity after being taught integrated curriculum in contemporary art education. Sixth-grade children do perform better than fourth and second ones in most abilities of creativity. This result shows that children in the three grades are influenced by the integrated curriculum in contemporary art education and then have a better creativity performance than they did in the former test, especially the sixth-grade children. Among the gender group analysis, girls group generally have similar creativity performance in the post test as boys group except two categories: analytical ability and integral performance. In these two categories, girls group shows better performance than boys group. Thus, children are influenced by integrated curriculum in contemporary art education and show the difference between the gender groups. III. From the content analysis of creative ideas and the construction of artwork toward the topic “perfect home”, it is found that the gap between the higher- scored group and the lower-scored group has been clearly reduced in the post test. In the pre-test, school children in lower-scored group showed practical and simple ideas and lacked imagination and creative ideas. However, in the post-test, those children expanded their content to wider dimension and showed greater ideas than children in the higher-scored group. In the analysis of construction of artwork, most works (except the lower-scored group of the second grader) in the pre-test present the feature “home and the community are centered in the layout and the house is part of home”, while in the post test, the feature becomes “the interaction between unreal items (such as fairies, angels and candy house)”. In the analysis of the gender group, both boys and girls reveal the idea “perfect home is to fulfill individual expectation”. Boys still tend to the idea “home is for fun”, which is a contrast to girls’ idea “home is a fairyland”. In the analysis of construction of artwork, both boys and girls show the feature “home and the community are centered in the layout and the house is part of home” first and then switch to “the interaction between unreal items (such as fairies, angels and candy house) without the house”. Besides, the researcher has raised several suggestions for relevant scholars and teachers to go on further researches in the future.


World Creativity Summit, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei.
Walker, S.R. (2003). Designing art curriculum with big ideas. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 136. National Taiwan Normal University.


