  • 期刊


Estimating Visitor Use with a Photoelectric Counting System: A Calibration Study




Researchers designed a Photoelectric Counting System (PCS) that records individual visits. PCS was installed 400 meters down from the main trailhead at Da Wu Mountain, Southern Taiwan. Da Wu Mountain is adjacent to the biggest nature reserve in Taiwan. The PCS is an instrument that includes two scanners that emit infrared beams across the trail. The infrared beams were received on the other side of the trail and the counter advanced each time when an up-hill visitor passed by two scanners. Total count, date, and time to the second of each count were recorded in an electronic log. This PCS was used successfully in the field. The system produced individual and total visitor count data analysis reports tailored to specific and diverse managerial objectives, such as visitors' frequency distribution per month, visitors' frequency distribution per week day, visitors' frequency distribution per hour. The objective of this research was to calibrate a wilderness use estimation system and to explain the potential errors coming from the system and from inappropriate visitor traffic behavior. A total 30 sampling days were generated to represent the calibration period (236days). The PCS was set up to count trail traffic; the reliability of counter data was assessed by simultaneous monitoring of trail traffic by human observers. This study assessed the difference between period observations either by sampling days or visitor groups. Research results show that high correlation (r=0.99) between data recorded by human observers and recorded by PCS. This study accredited the accuracy and confidence interval of estimation for PCS.


