  • 期刊

Jonathan Kramer《The Time of Music》一書之理論與實踐初探

A Study on the Theory and Practice of Jonathan Kramer's "The Time of Music"


音樂是時間的藝術,它既在時間中進行和開展,卻又能左右欣賞者對時間的感受與認知。但,相較於和聲、對位及節奏與節拍等方面,有關音樂時間的理論與著作非常有限。其中Jonathan Donald Kramer(1942-2004)所著之《The Time of Music》(Schirmer Books, 1988),可說是首先試圖以聆聽角度為基準,將音樂所呈現之時間架構加以分類,並建立完整理論系統的著作。因而,本文將從對此書的認識與瞭解入手,希望能夠對音樂時間有初步的概念和想法,並以此為日後探究臺灣當代作曲家之時間美學的基礎。由於《The Time of Music》一書內容繁多且複雜,因而本文僅從〈時間與音樂時間〉、〈音樂時間的感知〉和〈線性與非線性〉三部分,對Kramer之觀點與理論,進行初步而相當粗淺的闡述與探索。除第一部份〈時間與音樂時間〉外,其餘內容皆以Kramer的理論與觀點為主要論述內容。


時間 音樂時間 線性 非線性 非時間


Music is an art of time. It goes through and unfolds in time, but it could also distort a listener's feeling and cognition about time. However, compares to aspects such as harmony, counterpoint, rhythm and meter, theories and publications about musical time is not as many Among these works, Jonathan Donald Kramer(1942-2004)'s ”The Time of Music” (Schirmer Books, 1988) can be considered as the first published book which is trying to categorize temporal structure of music based on listener's viewpoint, and constructed a complete theory. Therefore, this research begins with an introduction of Kramer's book, followed by the author's preliminary concepts and thoughts about musical time. Furthermore, it can be a basis for researching the time aesthetics of the works by contemporary Taiwanese composers.Because of the complexity of the book ”The Time of Music”, this research focuses mainly on the topics 'Time and Musical Time', 'The Perception of Musical Time' and 'Linearity and Nonlinearity' Except for the topic 'Time and Musical Time', the other two are essentially about Kramer's theories and opinions.


time musical time linearity nonlinearity timelessness


Jonathan, D Kramer.(1988).The Time of Music.New York:Schirmer Books.
Justin.London,〈Time〉,.Grove.Music.Online:. http://www.oxfordmusiconline.com/subscriber/article/grove/music/43935?q=time&source=omo_t237&source=omo_gmo&source=omo_t114&search=quick&pos=1&_start=1#firsthit,2010年4月27日。


