  • 期刊


The Study of the Space Characteristics of Users' Deviant Behaviors in Taipei Urban Parks


本研究將透過參與式觀察法,經由拍攝大安森林公園、榮星公園及老松公園的實質環境來探討台北市都市公園使用者的偏差行爲之實質空間特性。研究結果發現: 七大類的偏差行爲中,主要發生在三種類型的空间中: 一、駐留空間:在駐留空間主要發生的偏差行爲類型主要爲「危害公物及公共安全」、「佔用公共空間」、「妨害社會風俗」及「不造成空間中的遺留」四類偏差行爲。 二、過渡空間:在過渡空間發生的偏差行爲類型則是主要爲「造成空間中的遺留」、「活動領域過大」及「租售物品」三類的偏差行爲。 三、廣大開闊空間:、在廣大開闊的空間中,主要以「活動領域過大」此類的偏差行爲爲主。 因此,由研究結果發現,不同特性的偏差行爲會由於都市公園實質環境特性的不同,而發生在不同特性的都市公園的實質環境中。據此,建議都市公園管理者在制訂或修正相關管理辦法時,法條的規範項目實應隨著都市公園的實質環境的改變而有所調整。再者,都市公園實應編制正式的巡狩員機制並針對破壞頻率較高的遊憩區建立固定的巡邏機制,如此,才能有效的維護都市公園的遊憩資源,其以維持都市公園使用者最佳的遊憩品質。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of the substantial environment on the characteristics of the environment by means of unobtrusive observation. Results are as following: Seven kinds of deviant behaviors occurred in three categorical space: 1. suspending space: The main categories of deviant behaviors occurred in the suspending space include ”endanger public property and security”, ”occupy public space”, ”interfere with social customs” and ”do not leave something in the space.” 2. transitional space: The main categories of deviant behaviors occurred in the suspending space include ”leave something in the space”, ”the over-large activity domain” and ”vendors.” 3. spacious space: The main categories of deviant behaviors occurred in the suspending space include ”the over-large activity domain.” According to the result, it is recommended that the related park regulation and the managing strategy should modulate with the changing of the location as well as the square measure of the park. Furthermore, formal patrols should be set up to maintain the integrity of the substantial environment of urban parks.


