  • 期刊


A Study of the Tourists' Satisfaction of 2005 International Kaohsiung Flower Show


本研究主要目的針對高雄國際花卉展,編製一份具有良好信度與效度的遊客滿意度量表,以參加2005高雄燈會-國際花卉展共750人,採用探索性因素分析(EFA)及驗證性因素分析(CFA),進行建構效度(construct validity)與建構信度(construct reliability)評估指標,驗證遊客滿意度量表。整體而言,在模式內在適配的檢定方面,遊客滿意度量表通過建構效度、聚合效度及建構信度之檢定評鑑標準。此表示本量表模式是一個有效的模式。在不同人口變項遊客之滿意度差異分析,分析結果爲: (一)不同性別的花卉展遊客在滿意度,達顯著差異。 (二)不同年齡之花卉展遊客在滿意度,未達到顯著差異。 (三)不同教育程度之花卉展遊客在滿意度,達到顯著差異。 (四)不同婚姻狀況的花卉展遊客在滿意度,未達顯著差異。 (五)不同每月收入之花卉展遊客在滿意度,未達到顯著差異。


The purpose of this study was to design a reliable and validity constraint scale loyalty of the tourists of 2005 International Kaohsiung Flower Show. The study subjects were 750 people at the Flower Show in Kaohsiung. To use exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was analyzed construct validity and construct reliability by satisfaction of the tourists constraint scale. The model intrinsic good-fit was passed constructs reliability and convergent validity. This revealed the statistical model has enough effective. In the second stage of this study was analysis has carried on the tourists of 2005 International Kaohsiung Flower Show of the satisfaction. Data was statistically analyzed. Empirical result can be summarized as follows: 1. The tourists of sex have difference in satisfaction. 2. The tourists of age do not have difference in satisfaction. 3. The tourists of level of education have difference in satisfaction. 4. The tourists of marital status do not have difference in satisfaction. 5. The tourists of monthly income do not have difference in satisfaction.
