氣候變遷對於休閒行為的影響逐漸受到重視。在戶外休閒活動中,根據以往的調查,台灣地區登山健行的人口眾多,所動範圍分佈廣泛,為高普及率運動之一。因此,本研究主要的目的探討氣候變遷對於登山健行者的行為影響。本研究以折衷理論進行分析, 針對氣候變遷探討登山健行者所認知的最適氣候範圍及調適行為。透過文獻分析、歸納目前氣候變遷的趨勢以及對登山健行者的影響。藉由瞭解氣候變遷趨勢,進一步推論未來登山健行者的行為模式。結果發現,溫度、降水、紫外線、風速及濕度五個氣候因子的改變,會對登山健行者在生理、心理社交反應造成影響。在調適行為上多以時間移置、絕對替代與直接行動三種調適行為類型為主。在氣象預警值內的氣候變化,調適行為以參與移置與直接行動為主,在氣象預警值以上則以絕對替代為主 。在溫度、紫外線隨著氣候的變遷而加劇的情況下,登山健行應注意水分及皮膚保護。除此之外,應參酌中央氣象局每日的預報,彈性調整登山健行的時間,避開豪大雨、高溫及紫外線過量的時段,並做好防護的措施,維護登山健行安全。
It had become more important that the climate change impacts on recreational behavior. Among outdoor recreational activities, hiking was one of the most popular recreational activities and there are many hiking trails in Taiwan. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to discuss the impacts of climate change on hiking behavior. The study applied the eclectic model to define the range of optimal weather conditions, the acceptance of climate change, and coping behavior among the different types of hikers. The study used literature review to understand the trend of climate change and hiking behavior. The results showed that temperature, precipitation, wind, humidity, and ultraviolet index (UV Index) impact on hikers' physical conditions, psychological conditions, and social interactions. The major coping behavior inc included shifting schedule, finding new locations, and reacting directly. If the weather conditions did not reach the weather warming level, the major coping behavior would be finding new locations, and reacting directly. If the weather conditions became worse than the weather warming level, the major coping behavior would be giving up hiking. Because of climate change, water protection and skin protection would be important for hikers. In order to secure hiking safety and prepare for risk protection, the study suggested that hikers should follow the weather forecast to avoid heavy rain, high temperature, and high UVl.