  • 期刊


An Investigation into the Social Status of Hakka Women on the Ritual for the Newborn and Garment for the First Birthday


物質文化是人類因應生活需求所創造出來的產物,也是人類社會交流的重要元素,從而影響人的價值判斷、行動及生活方式。這些產物除了有其獨特的社會生命週期與文化敘事空間之外,物與物之間也會環環相扣形成一個龐大的「互文體系」(inter-textual system)。然而,這些人造事物雖非生物體,但因文化聯繫而有了「生命」,進而諸物件與人的生命歷程相應、交織出更複雜的文化網絡,人們就生活在此自我編織的意義網絡中;另一方面,物質文化產製者也深陷於此網絡,在當代社會中演繹出其自身的存在價值與意義。本文嘗試從客家新娘嫁妝(祈子婚俗)、新生兒禮俗以及對歲童裝等與相關物質文化,探討傳統客家女性的角色與其於當代社會的地位。


客家 新生兒禮俗 童裝 婦女地位


Material culture refers to the relationship between daily artifacts and social relations of human beings, which greatly affects our values, behaviors and ways of living. These artifacts have a unique social life cycle and cultural narrative space, further intertwining to form a massive inter-textual system. These artifacts may not be living organisms, however, have a life through cultural connections. These artifacts correspond to human life cycle and further develop a complicated yet meaningful cultural network, which human beings live within. On the other hand, the creators of these artifacts are also deeply involved in such network and interpret their own existence and meanings in the contemporary society. This article attempts to tackle a culture's relationship to materiality through the examples of Hakka bride's dowry (praying for a child), the ritual of the newborn, and the garment for the first birthday. The roles and social status of traditional Hakka women can be further discussed.
