



As substantiated in the reality and the literature on tennis, the three common tennis jargons, tennis motions, tennis techniques and tennis skills are differed from each other in their meanings. What are the concepts of these three jargons? How similar/different are they? For coaches' reference, the text was analyzed the jargons in a comparative manner. The findings were as follows:1. Tennis techniques comprise the efficiency of a player's motion and the profit gains by getting or hitting a ball. It is suggested that a coach should stress the jargon, ”tennis techniques”, and via the efficiency of motion and the profit gains, to inspire players in improving their tennis techniques and proficiency in tennis.2. Tennis skills are the tennis techniques required to achieve a tennis-related goal. Tennis coaches should stress the jargon ”tennis skills” so as to assist tennis players in achieving their goals and enhancing their proficiency in tennis.3. Tennis coaches should choose tennis jargon in accordance with a player's age and level of skills, while giving instructions to the player.
