本研究目的在於探討高中男、女籃球選手之目標取向、知覺動機氣候與知覺運動成功信念之關係。參與者以參加93年高中籃球聯賽之籃球選手為受試對象共計352名選手,平均年齡16.31(± .97)歲。以運動目標取向量表、知覺運動動機氣候量表及知覺運動成功信念量表為研究工具,統計方法方別以皮爾遜積差相關、典型相關分析進行資料處理。本研究結果顯示:一、以獨立樣本t考驗發現:男、女選手在自我取向、自我取向氣候和知覺運動成功信念的「外在因素」、「不法取巧」、「能力」都是男生比女生高。二、經簡單相關分析後發現:男選手的工作取向及工作取向氣候與知覺運動成功信念的「外在因素」、「努力」、「能力」呈顯著正相關;男選手的自我取向及自我取向氣候與「外在因素」、「不法取巧」、「能力」呈顯著正相關。女選手的工作取向與「不法取巧」呈顯著負相關而與努力呈顯著正相關;此外,女選手的自我取向與「外在因素」、「不法取巧」、「能力」呈顯著正相關;而工作取向氣候與「不法取巧」呈顯著負相關與「外在因素」、「努力」、「能力」呈顯著正相關;女選手的自我取向氣候與「外在因素」、「不法取巧」、「能力」呈顯著正相關。三、以逐步迴歸分析法處理後發現:在男選手逐步迴歸分析處理後發現,在外在因素方面,「自我取向氣候」、「工作取向氣候」,為有效預測變項;在不法取巧方面,「自我取向氣候」、「工作取向」,為有效預測變項;在能力方面,「自我取向氣候」、「工作取向氣候」、「自我取向」,為有效預測變項;在努力方面,「工作取向氣候」、「工作取向」,為有效預測變項。在女選手逐步迴歸分析處理後發現,在外在因素方面,「自我取向氣候」、「工作取向氣候」、「自我取向」;在不法取巧方面,「自我取向氣候」、「工作取向氣候」,為有效預測變項;在能力方面,「自我取向氣候」、「工作取向氣候」,為有效預測變項;在努力方面,「工作取向氣候」、「工作取向」,為有效預測變項。建議教練在從事訓練行為時,積極塑造工作取向氣候,對選手知覺運動成功信念會有正向的影響。
The purpose of this study was to discuss the variances and the relationship between male and female high school basketballs' goal orientation, perceived motivation climate, and beliefs about sport success. Participants of the study were 352 basketball player who had played for the 2004HBL Division-I tournament. Their average age was 16.31 years old (SD= .97). Statistical methods that were applied in the study included a t-test analysis, simple correlation method, and stepwise regression analysis. Significant findings were summarized as following: (1) Male players had recorded higher scores in ego orientation, perceived ego-orientation climate and the ”extra factor”, ”illegal advantage”, ”ability” factors of beliefs about sport success than female players did. (2) Male players' task orientation and perceived task-orientation climate were positively related to ”extra factor”, ”effort”, ”ability”. Male players' ego orientation and perceived ego-orientation climate were positively related to ”extra factor”, ”illegal advantage”, ”ability”. Female players' task orientation was negatively related to the ”illegal advantage” and positively related to ”effort”. In addition, Female player's ego orientation were positively related to ”extra factor”, ”illegal advantage”, ”ability”. whereas, Male players' perceived task-orientation climate was negatively related to the ”illegal advantage” and positively related to ”extra factor”, ”effort”, ”ability”. Female player's ego orientation and perceived ego-orientation climate were positively related to ”extra factor”, ”illegal advantage”, ”ability”. (3) Male player's perceived ego-orientation climate and perceived task-orientation climate could effectively predict the variables such as ”extra factor”. Perceived ego-orientation climate and task-orientation climate could effectively predict the ”illegal advantage”. Perceived ego-orientation climate, perceived task-orientation and ego orientation could effectively predict the ”ability”. Perceived task-orientation climate and task-orientation could effectively predict the ”effort”. Female player's perceived ego-orientation climate, perceived task-orientation climate and ego orientation could effectively predict the variables such as ”extra factor”. Perceived ego-orientation climate and task-orientation climate could effectively predict the ”illegal advantage”. Perceived ego-orientation climate and perceived task-orientation could effectively predict the ”ability”. Perceived task-orientation climate and task-orientation could effectively predict the ”effort”. The results of the study indicated that more confidence could be generated from a task-oriented environment. Players who were task-oriented also had more positively Beliefs about Sport Success. The researchers suggest that sport coaches should work harder to create a task-oriented practice environment to enhance player's Beliefs about Sport Success.