  • 期刊


Peritoneal Administration of Si-Jun-Zi-Tang Affects the Immunoglobulin Secretion by Murine Spleen B Lymphocytes


四君子湯是補氣健脾的基本處方,主治脾胃氣虛,能利水消腫。茯苓為四君子湯的佐藥,為中醫藥方中使用很廣的藥材,具有利水滲濕、補氣健脾及安神之功效。前人研究指出,老鼠牌臟淋巴球若在離體以含有四君子湯之培養基培養,則其生長受到顯著抑制,抗體分泌降低,只有IgA分泌有促進現象,而此免疫調節作用與茯苓有關。本實驗進一步將四君子場及茯苓萃取液以腹腔注射方式打入老鼠體內,連續施打三天之後,取出脾臟細胞分析其生長及分泌IgG,lgA及IgM等抗體的能力。實驗結果顯示,老鼠施打四君子湯之後,B淋巴球生長不受影響,但是B淋巴球IgG的分泌隨施打藥劑濃度的增加而明顯增加,且施打不同劑量之後, IgA分泌量也比控制組高。老鼠施打茯苓之後,脾臟B淋巴球的活性受到抑制,但伏苓在老鼠體內顯著促進B淋巴球IgG的分泌能力,對IgA及IgM則無影響。因為茯苓是四君子場的主要成分之一,故推測四君子場促進B淋巴球草製造IgG 的藥效可能來自茯苓。


四君子湯 茯苓 B淋巴球


Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang is one of the widely used Bu-Chy drug in Chinese herbal medicine. The major pharmacological effects of Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang are to improve the functions of gastrointestinal system and to reduce the inflammatory response. Fu-Ling, the sclederma of Poria cocos (Schw) Wolf)、is one of the major ingradients of the Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang. Fu-Ling has long been used as a sedative and diuretic. Previous report indicated that Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang significantly suppressed the growth of mouse spleen lymphocytes and reduced the IgG and IgM secretion by B-lymphocytes but the IgA secretion was increased after in vitro treatment. Based on the data obtained from our experiment, the immunoregulatory activity of Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang should be attributed to the presence of Fu-Ling. In this report, the study further extend to in vivo condition by peritoneal administration of Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang or Fu-ling. The mice were treated with the drug for three consecutive days, and then the non-adherent spleen cells were isolated and assayed for their ability to grow and secret immunoglobulin (IgG, IgM and IgA). Result suggested that the growth and viability of spleen cells were unaffected by Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang but the abilities of B-Iymphocytes to secret IgG and IgA were enhanced as a dose-dependent manner. In the subsequent experiments, the spleen cells isolated from the mice treated with Fu-Ling were studied. The cells showed a reduction in viability under in vitro culture but were unchanged in the cell growth However, the cells showed an increase in IgG secretion. The amounts of IgA and IgM secretion were unaffected. Therefore the ability of Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang to potentiate IgG secretion by spleen B-lymphocytes in vivo might also be partly attributed to the pharmacological activity of Fu-Ling.


Shy-Jiun-Tsi-Tang Fu-ling B-lymphocytes


