  • 期刊


Brazil Turning Left: A Performance Evaluation on the Lula and Rousseff Governments (2003‒2016) with the "Embedded Liberalism" Perspectives


2002年,南美洲第一大國巴西的左派「勞工黨」(Partido dos Trabalhadores,PT)候選人魯拉(Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva)當選總統,在其先後八年執政期間刻意淡化意識形態,平衡、解構政黨派系利益以擴大其執政基礎。其中,魯拉政府在推動巴西社會福利政策(Bolsa Familia)、加速經濟成長振興計劃(Programa deAceleracao do Crecimento, PAC)上,協助廣大貧民改善生活,使巴西在「全球化」(Globalization)浪潮中步上新興崛起經濟大國之途。不過,2011年同黨的羅賽芙(Dilma Vana Rousseff)成為巴西首位女總統,卻因國際熱錢湧入引發嚴重通貨膨脹,影響整體出口表現,進而帶來經濟危機。更甚者,魯拉因執政期間涉犯貪污罪,於2016年被判處9年6個月徒刑,羅賽芙亦因涉入巴西國營石油公司弊案以及「奧德布雷希特」(Odebrecht)營建公司行賄醜聞,被控非法操縱預算以隱藏財政赤字罪行,而於2016年遭到國會彈劾下台,引發巴西政壇極度震盪。本文依循「嵌入式自由主義」(Embedded Liberalism)之理論切入點,針對全球化國際氛圍中魯拉~羅賽芙左派政府執政下的巴西社會福利、經濟成長、活絡外交及反腐肅貪之政策表現,加以檢視與探討,以期客觀評析巴西魯拉~羅賽芙政府十四年向左轉的政績。


In 2002, South America’s largest country, Brazil left Workers Party’s (Partido dos Trabalhadores, PT) candidate Luiz Inacio Lula de Silva was elected president. During his eight years in power, Lula deliberately weakened the ideology to balance and deconstruct the factional interest of political parties to expand his ruling foundation. Therein, the Lula government helped majority of the poor improve their lives while promoting Brazilian social welfare policy (Bolsa Familia) and accelerating economic growth revitalization program (Programa de Aceleracao do Crecimento, PAC) which had enabled Brazil to step onto the path towards emerging rise of economic power under the "globalization" wave. However, Dilma Vana Rousseff of the same party became Brazil’s first female president in 2011. Given the influx of international hot money causing serious inflation and affecting overall export performance, economic crisis was then triggered. Moreover, Lula was once involved in embezzlement during his ruling period and thus sentenced to 9 years and 6 months imprisonment in 2016. Rousseff was also involved in Brazilian state oil company scam and the "Odebrecht" construction company’s bribery scandals and charged with illegally manipulating the budget to conceal the fiscal deficit crimes and finally impeached by the Congress in 2016 to step down, triggering extreme shocks in Brazilian political arena. This article follows the theoretical entry-point of the "Embedded Liberalism" theory and aims to exam and explore the policy performance of Brazilian social welfare, economic growth, active diplomacy and anti-corruption under the Lula-Rousseff left-wing government in the international globalization atmosphere and hope to provide an objective assessment of the Brazilian Lula and Rousseff governments’ fourteen years’ left-oriented governing performances.
