  • 會議論文


Analysis using Ecotect Energy Saving-The Ching Yun University, Ching Yun House Case Study


近年來人們逐漸體認到資源並非取之不盡用之不竭,「節能」一詞成為世界的潮流,而政府於民國90年核定之「綠建築推動方案」即從「住」的方面著手。往後無論是政府的興建的行政大樓或企業所成立的高科技工廠,無一不全部或一部採用綠建築之概念,本研究案例清雲科技大學清雲館起造時並無綠建築之概念,故僅能以建築節能改造以達到節能之效果。本研究以電腦模擬分析軟體Autodesk Ecotect Analysis模擬分析本研究案例一樓西側之A 房間及東側之B房間之現況,就其分析結果歸納出各房間之耗能因子,並提出數個節能改造方案,復以電腦模擬分析軟體Ecotect分析各改造方案之節能程度,以取得最佳之節能改造方案,使起造時並無綠建築概念之普通建築經節能改造後,亦能貼近綠建築之概念。


In recent years, people gradually realize that resources are not inexhaustible, ”energy-saving” is becoming a global trend, the Government approved on 90 years of the Republic ”to promote green building program” from the ”live” aspects . Back both the government administration building or the construction of high-tech enterprise set up factories, and both use all or part of the concept of green building, this case study Ching Yun University, Ching Yun House, when not made from the Green Building concept, it is only the construction of energy-saving in order to achieve energy-saving effect. In this study, computer simulation software, Autodesk Ecotect Analysis case study on the first floor of the west and east of A room B room of the current status on the results of the analysis summarized in each room of the energy factor, and made a number of energy-saving program, re-order Ecotect Energy analysis of the extent of rehabilitation programs in order to obtain the best energy-saving programs to build up when there is no general concept of green building by building energy-saving, the also close to the concept of green building.
