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Investigation on the Damage Caused by the Asian Corn Borer on Some Leguminous Vegetables


在中部地區調查發現亞洲玉米螟可危害豇豆、毛豆、萊豆、碗豆及菜豆等豆類蔬菜,其中以豇豆受害最為嚴重。對此等豆類蔬菜,亞洲玉米螟以危害豆莢為主,但在豇豆上 則以莖蔓及果梗等部位受害反較豆莢為嚴重。進一步調查亞洲玉米螟幼蟲在豇豆各生育期之族群消長,顯示於豇豆萌芽後30天即可發現到幼蟲,其後族群密度逐漸增高,而於100至110天達到族群高峰,此時每株豇豆上之幼蟲密度可由數隻至10餘隻。幼蟲在豇豆田上之發生密度與田間使用性費洛蒙捕獲亞洲玉米螟之成蟲數並無相對關係。比對採自玉米及豇豆上之亞洲玉米螟的老熟幼蟲、蛹及成蟲,則採自玉米上者均顯著地較採自豇豆上者為大,但將採自兩種寄主上之玉米螟成蟲交互配對,發現均能交尾、產卵,且其幼蟲均能以玉米或豇豆莖蔓飼育完成世代,顯示寄生於玉米上之亞洲玉米螟與生活在豇豆上者彼此並無生理上之隔離。


The Asian corn borer, Ostrinia fumacalis (Guen'ee) is an important insect pest on corn in Taiwan. Recently, the insect was discovered also able to infest on some leguminous vegetables, such as asparagus bean, vegetable soybean, kindey bean, lima bean and pea. The insect infested mainly in pods of the beans except asparagus bean on which the insects were more preferable to infest in the stems than in the pods. Investigation on the change in larval population in various growing stages of asparagus bean showed that the larval began to appear at 30 days after germination and then their population increased gradually afterward. There were more than 10 larval per plant during the time of maximum pod production, ca. 100 to 110 days after germination. Larval populations in the bean fields at different localities were not necessarily correlated with the adult population caught with the sex pherornon traps. The larval, pupae and adults collected from the corn plants were evidently larger than those collected from asparagus bean. However, when the adults from different host plants mated with each other, they laid eggs, and their progeny could complete their life cycle on both corn and asparagus bean. The result indicated that the Asian corn borers living on corn were more vigorous than those living on asparagus beans, and no physiological barrier existed between the insects.
