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Nitrate Accumulation in Chinese Kale (Brassica oleracea L.) under Different Shading and Nitrogen Level


為了探討不同遮陰程度及氮肥施用量對芥藍(Brassica oleracea L.,黑葉芥藍,農友種苗公司)植體內硝酸鹽累積之影響,將材料植於直徑12cm盆中,內填人工介質。氮肥處理分0,1及2 g pot^(-1)三級,氮肥成份為硝酸鉀及尿素各半。遮陰分為遮陰25%、50%及不遮陰三級。另一組實驗為變更光照處理,分成不遮陰、不遮陰後以50%遮陰、遮陰50%及遮陰50%後回復不遮陰等四組。於下午二時採收分析硝酸鹽含量。結果顯示在不施氮肥及1g pot^(-1)氮肥之處理,無論葉柄或葉肉中硝酸鹽累積量均隨遮陰程度之增加而顯著增加。施用2g pot^(-1)氮肥者其硝酸鹽累積量無論在葉柄或葉肉中則均隨遮光度之增加而下降,相關關係葉柄部分為極顯著負相關,葉肉部分則差異不顯著。氮肥量對硝酸鹽含量之影響在不遮陰及遮陰25%處理下,無論於葉柄或葉肉中均隨氮肥量之增加而顯著增加,而於遮陰50%情形下,葉柄中硝酸鹽累積量在不同氮肥施用量間差異不顯著,但於葉肉中則隨施肥量之增加而增加呈極顯著相關。在變更光照處理區,葉肉中硝酸鹽含量於去除遮陰後第四天迅速降至未經遮陰處理之水準。而葉柄中硝酸鹽下降速率則較為緩慢,於第八天才回復到未經遮陰處理之水準。而於未遮陰區再經遮光處理後,葉肉中硝酸鹽累積量又再度緩慢上升,於第八天才上升到與持續維持相同遮陰處理之同一水準,葉柄中硝酸鹽含量則增加較為迅速。


遮陰 氮肥 硝酸鹽 芥藍


The purpose of this experiment was to investigate the influence of nitrate accumulation on Chinese Kale through different shading and nitrogen treatments. The nitrogen was used in three dosages, no nitrogen, 1gm pot^(-1) and 2gm pot^(-1) with potassium nitrate and urea. After sowing, the following three shading treatements were practiced in plastic house (light pene-trate rate 90%) no shading, 25% shading and 50% shading. The experiment of changing light intensity was divided into four parts, no shading , half of material were transed to 50% shading after one week, the other was 50% shading , after one week half material were transed to no shading. The nitrate analysis was done at the second mature leaf, harvesting plant for analysis at 2 pm. The results that indicated the nitrate concentration of leaf petioles and leaf blades were increased by shading level on no nitrogen and 1gm pot^(-1) nitrogen treatments which had significant postive regression. The nitrate concentration of plant decreased by shading level on 2gm pot^(-1) nitrogen treatment that was significant on leaf petioles and no significant on leaf blades. The inflence of nitrate accumulation on nitrogen treatment under no shading and 25% shading had significant positive regression on leaf petioles and leaf blades. For 50% shading treatment, was no significant difference on leaf petioles but converse on leaf blades. The influence of changing light intensity on nitrate concentration in plant were more rapid in leaf blades than in leaf petioles after removing the shading. Slowly increase in leaf blades than in leaf petioles was found under keeping shading there were going to shading.


shading nitrogen nitrate Chinese Kale


