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類黃酮添加物對於Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxter sensu Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe孢子發芽之影響

Effects of Flavonoids on Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxter sensu Gerd.) Gerd. and Trappe Spore Germination


叢枝內生菌根菌繡球菌屬Glomus fascuculatum孢子以次氯酸鈉溶液消毒後,處理不同種類與濃度類黃酮試藥,觀察孢子發芽與菌絲生長。試驗結果顯示,Glomus fasciculatum 孢子發芽率最高者為5 ppm橡黃素(quercetin)處理,達到70%。而菌絲之生長則以1 ppm(33 μM)與5 ppm(165 μM)處理較其餘處理者旺盛。進一步試驗顯示4~6 ppm (132-198 μM)之橡黃素濃度範圍具有最佳的促進發芽效力,而3~6 ppm(99-198 μM)則在菌絲生長上具有最佳促進作用。


類黃酮 菌根菌 孢子發芽


Disinfected mycorrhizal fungi spores of Glomus fascuculatum were treated with different kinds and concentrations of flavonoids in order to observe the germination rate and hyphal length of the spores. The results showed that spores treated with 5ppm quercetin had the highest germination rate (70%), and the spores treated with 1 ppm (33 μM) and 5 ppm (165 μM) quercetin had longer hyphal length compared with 0 ppm, 10 ppm, and 20 ppm treatments. Further experiment revealed that quercetin 4-6 ppm (132-198 μM) was the most appropriate concentration for improving spore germination, while quercetion 3-6 ppm (99-198 μM) the most adequate for hyphal growth.
