  • 期刊


The Development of European Citizenship and Its Inspirations for Taiwan


歐洲公民權,由市民而擴展至全國公民,其內容包括(一)選舉、罷免、創制、複決等之參政權;(二)國籍權、居留權、及工作權,並可自由遷徙,甚至變更國籍;(三)享受社會福利及公共建設的經濟權,以及自由結社集會之社會活動權;(四)言論自由、信仰自由、免於匱乏及免於恐懼等之自由權;(五)基本生存權。從台灣看歐盟,或者直接體驗歐盟公民權的發展進展,給台灣的啟示如下:第一,施政透明化。第二,歐盟重視人權及公民權。第三,歐盟統合及歐盟公民權的發展,已經讓境內公民享受到「免於恐懼的自由」。第四,歐盟公民權之中,包括確保「公民投票」(公投)的權力。第五,非常刻意避免「社會傾銷」,不會刻意以低價商品或低價勞工傷害鄰近會員國。第六,歐盟為了照顧平等的經濟公民權及社會福利,設立結構基金(Structural Fund),創造地區之間的均富發展;另以凝聚基金(Cohesion Fund)促進會員國之間的均富。第七,會員國邊境糾紛及衝突,自歐盟整合之後,這些糾紛及衝突已逐漸走向沉寂。


Basic EU citizenship encompassed the following rights: (1) Right of political participation such as election, recall, initiative and referendum. (2) Right concerning nationality, residence, and work permit as well as the freedom of movement and even the right to change nationality. (3) Economic rights such as sharing social welfare and public infrastructure as well as the right to social activity such as the freedom of assembly and association. (4) Other freedom rights such as the freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom from fear and want. (5) Basic rights for survival. If we look at the EU from Taiwan side, or directly get experience from the development of EU Citizenship, we are truly moved by the face of such a wealth of inspirations. It can be summarized as follows: First, EU citizenship highly demands administrative transparency. Second, the EU attaches importance to human rights and citizens' rights. China on the other hand again and again used military intimidation against Taiwan. If China truly wants to integrate with Taiwan, then why doesn't it learn from the EU and treat the Taiwan citizens well? Third, thanks to the development of European integration, citizens within the borders of the EU already enjoy the "freedom from fear." Unfortunately, despite its great success in human rights and democratic development, the economically prosperous Taiwan still has to face the threat from 1,000 Chinese missiles that are targeting the island and is therefore not able to enjoy the "freedom from fear." Fourth, EU Citizenship encompasses the "right of referendum." Unfortunately, referendums have been criticized by the pan-blue political elite as not being worth a dime. These pan-blue politicians, who have greatly distort the civil right of referendum, should better understand the true essence of referendums in the EU. Fifth, in the process of European integration and citizens' rights development, the EU very painstakingly avoids "social dumping." In contrast, the blue and green political camps equally value the Taiwan north and attach little importance to southern Taiwan. They neglect the civil interests of farming and blue-collar cities and counties.Sixth, the EU has set up a Structural Fund to provide equal economic rights and social welfare and to create equitable economic development among the regions. But Taiwan's budget allocation one-sidedly enriches wealthy Taipei and Kaohsiung cities. Seventh, the EU member states inevitably have a number of border disputes and conflicts between them. But after the deepening of European integration, these disputes and conflicts have become less acute. If the dispute between Taiwan and China regarding eventual unification or independence can be solved through the EU approach, by respecting the precious force of a public referendum, then the more than 50-year-old unification-independence crisis in the Taiwan Strait may be solved with wisdoms.


