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CanMEDS roles as framework for analyzing Taiwanese medical students’ reflective journals: an exploratory research for cross-cultural compatibility


為嘗試將CanMEDS核心能力指標之規範性說明融入醫學人文臨床反思課程中,以培養健全的醫師角色,本研究探討藉由臨床人文反思課程讓學生討論CanMEDS角色規範的可能性與限制。能夠藉由臨床反思日誌討論CanMEDS核心能力指標之下前提條件為學生所反思之臨床情境需皆能與CanMEDS角色規範相呼應。否則,教師無法引導學生透過自己所呈現之具體情境來討論CanMEDS之角色規範。本研究資料為臺北醫學大學57名(男/女= 45/12)醫學系六年級生於臨床實習時的149篇反思日誌,研究採用質性研究法中之樣版式分析及內容分析,並輔以卡方測定分析內容分析所界定出之類別變相。本研究發現,CanMEDS核心能力指標與臺灣醫學生所認知的臨床情境之間,並沒有明顯的文化不相容的問題。因此可將CanMEDS角色納入臨床人文反思課程。


In order to develop a training program for continuous reflective learning in TMU within CanMEDS roles framework, we conduct this exploratory research. This Study aims at evaluating the compatibility of the CanMEDS roles descriptions with local clinical setting. Method of this study was the template analysis and content analysis approach with purposive sampling. Research objects were 149 reflective journals of Year-6 medical students(M/F = 45/12). To ensure the interrater reliability, the journals were cross checked by four researchers. The finding indicates that CanMEDS key competencies have no apparent cultural incompatibility in Taiwanese clinical and educational contexts. Only one(0.7%) scenario cannot fit in with the CanMEDS framework. The role expectation for a good Communicator and Medical Expert were mostly emphasized. In most scenarios, more than one role were involved. Regarding to the connections among various roles, we find out that the scenarios that contain scholar role expectation has significantly low correlation with the role expectation of communicator. The medical teacher should consider therefore more local scenarios for taking into account these both roles.


