  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess

Aquatic Ecological Risk Assessment of Jiangjyun River in Taiwan


Jiangjyun River is located at Tainan County, Taiwan. Most of pollutants are from anthropogenic activities and living contaminants. Due to the emission of pollutants, this river is heavily contaminated in recent year, altering the aquatic ecological environment and causing the death of aquatic creature. The objective of this study is to conduct an ecological risk assessment to evaluate the major chemical stressors in the river ecosystem by combining the information of ecological survey and water quality monitoring of Taiwan EPA in recent years. This study used the ecological effects quotient (EEQ) to evaluate the chemicals of potential concern in Jiang-Jun River. The results of this study indicated that the ammonia and Hg are the chemicals of higher ecological risk for the common aquatic creature. Besides, the Cd is another chemical of potential concern for Gambusia affinis and Capitella capitata. The results of this study will be useful for river restoration purpose.


