  • 期刊


The Dilemma of Establishing Maqaw National Park: Perspective of Conflicting Belief


積極保護森林,維護生態永續發展已為世人所共同接受。但是,何以推動馬告國家公園的過程卻一波三折,最終以緩建為由落幕?本文藉由Paul Sabatier所提出的信念衝突觀點,檢視(1)引起政策核心信念改變的主要因素為何?以及(2)建立共管機制被多方參與者視為最適解決手段,但為何未能取得共識?文內首先說明馬告國家公園的發展歷程,了解其間所產生的信仰爭議。其次,將倡議聯盟架構中之變項予以轉化,從概念層次轉為觀察層次,俾利進行深度訪談,之後再運用NVivo質性分析軟體確定核心爭議為何。研究發現:(1)以往國家公園在規劃過程中,未將原住民的社會文化價值列入考量,以致影響最深者就是原民社會文化的傳承;(2)共管機制被視為是目前最適的解決手段,惟欠缺適格的政策掮客,導致各方對於該機制的相關配套措施仍持有不同認知,成為真正的信念衝突。


It is common accept to protect the forest and maintain ecological sustainable, and then why it is difficult to operate the Maqaw National Park proposal? This paper tries to apply the concept of belief conflict to explore (1) the main factor that causes the changing of policy core belief system and (2) the difficulty in making consensus as to the co-management mechanism. First of all, this paper describes the development of Maqaw National Park, then applying Paul Sabatier's advocacy coalition framework to interview and finally utilizing NVivo software to analyze the content of interview. The final result shows that (1) building up a national park in the indigenous traditional area is not only affecting indigenous peoples' living habits, but also having impacts on the transmission of the culture and (2) the absent of policy broker that leads to the conflicting belief system.
