  • 期刊


'Clinical Lecture' under Taiwan's Modern Medical Gaze




近代醫學 臨床講義 殖民性 凝視 協商


The foundation for the modernization of medical science in Taiwan was laid by such medical officials as Goto Shinpei and Yamaguchi Hidetaka, who introduced modern medicine from Japan and promoted medical education. Japan’s modern medical science was spurred by the Meiji Restoration following the invasion of the Western powers; thus, it constituted a product of the studies on modern European science and in some sense an anti-colonial policy. For Taiwan, one of Japan’s colonies at that time, modern medical science, for one thing, was a tool at the service of colonialism and, for another, brought Taiwan onto the global stage of modern civilizations. Under the colonial considerations of Taiwan Governor-General's Office, Taiwan’s modern medical gaze (perspective) symbolized the power of the colonial government to supervise the colonized. In the late 19^(th) and early 20^(th) centuries, however, the changing political conditions across the world and, in particular, the wars in Europe, stimulated the rise of various ideologies, including nationalism, New Imperialism, liberal democracy and racism under the struggle for predominant discursive space. The trend of national self-determination and Jiang Wei-shui’s personal character and history enable the varied textual interpretation of Clinical Lectures. Accordingly, interaction and negotiation were made possible between the modern medical gaze and the semiotic elements in that text.


modern medicine clinical lecture coloniality gaze negotiation


不著撰人:〈北警高秘第一六0七七号台北州知事通報〉,日本東京都千代田圖書館的內田嘉吉文庫所藏總督府檔案影印本,1923 年 11 月 13 日。
王德威:〈大病文人醫──兩位大夫的故事〉,《時報科學與人文》,臺北:中國時報,2004 年 4 月 12 日。
田口卯吉:〈大國民の度量〉,《東京經濟雜誌》第 790 號,東京:東京經濟雜誌,明治 28 年 9 月。
坪井次郎:〈臺灣の衛生〉,《臺灣協會會報》第 1 卷第 4 期,1889 年。


