  • 會議論文


A Proposed Script-embbed Scenario Design Method for Interio Design


以劇本式設計法(scenario design)應用於室內空間領域之程度,相對於其他設計領域(如產品與軟體及韌體介面設計)較少。此方法的應用,有如篩子、濾網,透過情境的虛擬,能檢視可能遺漏之設計考量。為了提高設計品質、減少缺失、表錯情、不倫不類之情境意象,設計者可採納此方法,藉由分鏡圖評估設計考量的完整性或優先性。本研究檢視相關劇本式分鏡圖案例,並以一個室內空間執行含有劇本之分鏡圖繪製、分析過程。藉此二步驟,進而提出依據不同使用需求,進行分鏡圖繪製及分析之結論,提供本業參考。


The extent to which script-based design and scenario design method is employed in the shaping of interior space is relatively little compared to that of other design areas, such as product and visual designs. The application of such a procedure, which functioned as sieves and filters, could enable a more thorough design outcome. In order to improve the quality of interior design, and to reduce missing, or wrong decision making, script-embedded method would be able to generate images with holistic details for later assessment. That is, scenes of interior ambiances are to be decomposed and evaluated in terms of diversity, integrity, and priorities. In short, this study examines studies relevant to script scene decompositions and demonstrates the way it is done by way of interior space containing potential activities of diverse scenarios. Based on the results, it is concluded that the construction and analysis of the script-embedded scenario design method are essential and that the tool is useful for designers.


