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Teacher's Curricular Consciousness and Pedagogical Praxis

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Teachers are the key to a successful curriculum reform. In order to encourage teachers' critical curricular consciousness for renewed, innovative pedagogical practice, this article attempts to reflectively highlight the teacher's autonomous role in curriculum reform and instructional innovation from the aspect of linking teachers' curricular awareness with pedagogical praxis. Firstly, the author reexamines the teacher's role in curriculum development and reform based on a review of the literature in curriculum field. Secondly, building upon the perspectives of critical pedagogy and liberating education, the author constructs the meaning of teachers' curricular consciousness and its practical knowledge base through the exploration of teachers' awareness of professional knowledge, awareness of self, and awareness of environment. Thirdly, in order to lay out the reciprocal relationship between teachers' curricular consciousness and their pedagogical praxis, the author makes her analysis from three practical aspects, which are: (1) curricular consciousness directs pedagogical transformation; (2) pedagogical praxis provokes potential curricular consciousness; and (3) critical curricular consciousness enhances the improvement of curricular and pedagogical practices. Finally, the author provides suggestions for raising teachers' curricular consciousness through three approaches, namely encouraging teachers "to do" philosophy, encouraging teachers to have dialogues with others, and encouraging teachers to share their personal life story/experience or practical knowledge with others.


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Cited by

池榮尉(2004)。國民小學教師團隊發展歷程之研究 —以啄木鳥教師團隊為例—〔碩士論文,中原大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6840/cycu200400615
