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The Effects of Goal Setting and Feedback on Internet Task Performance for High/Low Efficiency Internet Users


本研究旨在探討不同的目標設定與目標導向回饋對高/低網路任務執行效率的使用者網路任務執行之影響。研究對象為國小教職員。研究變項包含目標設定(整體性目標vs. 階段性目標)、目標導向回饋(表現目標回饋vs.精熟目標回饋)與網路任務執行效率(高vs. 低)。研究結果發現:(1)無論給予使用者何種目標設定和目標導向回饋均會增加使用者的網路焦慮;(2)使用者對目標設定與目標導向回饋皆持正面的看法;(3)整體性目標有助於高網路任務執行效率之使用者者獲得較佳的態度;(4)目標導向回饋則對使用者態度無顯著影響。


目標設定 回饋 網路焦慮

Parallel abstracts

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of goal setting and feedback on Internet task performance for high/low efficiency Internet users. The participants of this study were randomly selected from 2,675 elementary school teachers who had to participate in a compulsory Internet task of filling a questionnaire. The effects of goal setting (long-term goal vs. sub-goal), feedback (performance feedback vs. mastery feedback) and personal Internet task execution efficiency (high vs. low) on Internet task execution and attitude were examined. The results showed that (a) regardless of the type of goal setting or type of feedback, all participants' Internet anxiety was increased; (b) the participants showed positive attitudes toward both the employed types of goal setting and both the received types of feedback; (c) the high-efficient participants demonstrated the most positive attitude when long-term goal setting was applied on them; and finally, (d) the type of feedback did not reveal any significant effect on participants' attitude.

Parallel keywords

goal setting feedback Internet anxiety


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