  • 期刊


The Development and Reform of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China




This article uses literature research methods, Historical development The "Criminal Procedure Law" of the People's Republic of China understands, Originated from the government of the Republic of China, Since the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, it was drafted in 1950 and formally implemented in 1980, and then successively in 2012 and 2018 to the present. It has revised and changed more than half of its development range, Its content mainly starts from the basic national conditions of the People's Republic of China, Promote the improvement and reform of the criminal procedure system step by step, Adopt clear guiding ideology, tasks and basic principles, clarify the tasks of the criminal procedure law, the internal relations and working principles of the three organs of public security, procuratorial and court, Protect the litigation rights of the parties and litigation participants, establish new rules of evidence, and standardize the judicial organs' case handling procedures, Specify the detention period and the time limit for review and prosecution, first instance, and second instance, formulate the basic framework of general rules, establish, strengthen and implement the criminal procedure model, The main "revision principle" pragmatic adherence to deal with the relationship between "punishing crimes" and "protecting human rights", Persist in solving and punishing crimes and upholding the principles of judicial justice, Complete investigation, arrest, residential surveillance, defense, trial conditions and special procedures, Solve the long-standing judicial doubts existing in criminal procedures since the implementation of the amendment, This article finds that the People's Republic of China still needs a sound criminal procedure system. In 2021, it is proposed to revise and improve the legal system of the Criminal Procedure Law.


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