  • 期刊


The Research on "Qing Yuan Tang An" in Song Yuan Xue An




Song Yuan Xue An is the significant book for researchers to probe into the Chinese academic history of Song and Yuan dynasties. However, the property of its two chapters--"Yuan You Tang An" and "Qing Yuan Tang An"—are different from the others, which were created by Quan Zuwang originally and particularly. "Qing Yuan Tang," a phrase from the party prohibitions during the "Qing Yuan" period, referred to some Neo-Confucians like Zhao Ruyu and Zhu Xi who were persecuted by the officialdom with Han Tuojou as a leader. "Qing Yuan Tang An" as the name implies, recorded the information of "Qing Yuan Tang" and the attackers, trying to manifest good and evil, and chosen to present this history in the form of "chronology" in order to make the trace of historical development more clear to readers. That is, it's the important chapter that shall not be overlooked when dipping into Song Yuan Xue An. This paper focuses on the text of "Qing Yuan Tang An," discussing its academic importance and value which resulted Quan Zuwang in creating the chapter in particular. In addition, with the lack of related researches on the chapter, this paper rearranged and analyzed the text and the process of the formation of "Qing Yuan Tang An" in the section two, finding that the chapter was based on the text of Tao Ming Lu; compared "Qing Yuan Tang An" with the prevailing version of Tao Ming Lu in the section three; further researched on the academic importance and value "Qing Yuan Tang An" via previous sections in the section four; pointed out the limits and problems of "Qing Yuan Tang An" itself in the section five. Via a relatively complete research on "Qing Yuan Tang An," this paper hopes to benefit the following researches on it.


魏千鈞:《顧棟高《春秋大事表》研究》(臺北:臺灣大學中國文學研究所碩士論文,何澤恆教授指導,2007 年)
宋‧李心傳:《道命錄》(臺北:文海出版社,1981 年6 月)。
宋‧李心傳編撰,楊世文點校:《道命錄》,收錄於《儒藏‧史部‧儒林史傳》第146-147 冊(成都:四川大學出版社,2009 年)。
宋‧真德秀:《西山文集》(北京:商務印書館,2006 年,影印文津閣《四庫全書》本)。
宋‧岳珂撰,吳企明點校:《桯史》(北京:中華書局,1997 年12 月)。
