  • 期刊


A Study on the Impact of Elementary School Principals' Knowledge Leadership on the Effectiveness of Innovation Management: Data-driven Decision Making as Mediating Variable




This study aimed to investigate the current situation and relationships of elementary school principals' knowledge leadership and data-driven decision making toward the effectiveness of innovative management in schools. A questionnaire survey was conducted. The samples were 1,301 teachers from 128 elementary schools in Taiwan. The study used product-moment correlation and structural equation modeling to carry out statistical analysis. Results showed that: (a) principals' knowledge leadership, data-driven decision making and the effectiveness of innovative management were in good condition; (b) correlations among principals' knowledge leadership, data-driven decision making and the effectiveness of innovative management were found, and the relationship model fit for the three factors was good, posing significant and positive effect; (c) by means of the mediating effect of overall data-driven decision making, principals' knowledge leadership showed indirect, positive impact on the effectiveness of innovative management and enhanced its performance. The results and suggestions of this study may serve as references for related educational institutions to improve the effectiveness of school innovation management.


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