  • 期刊


Family Involvement and School-Business Partnership: Nurturing Students' Hope




When stepping into senior secondary years, Hong Kong students are faced with different challenges, especially academic stress and competition for higher education opportunities. Without the qualities necessary for coping with challenges, they may lose the goals and motivation for solving problems and even the hope for future. This is of particular concern to disadvantaged students who are lacking in socioeconomic resources and family support. Nowadays, activities for promoting students' personal development have been organized or supported by family involvement and school-business partnership in Hong Kong. This study aims to investigate the impact of student and family background factors (gender, place of birth, family structure and socioeconomic status), parental expectation and involvement, and participation in school-business partnership activities, on the development of students' hope. Data was collected from a questionnaire survey in 2015 taken part by over 5,500 secondary students, who were participants in a school-business partnership program, and was analyzed by multiple regression models. Results indicated that parental expectation and involvement, and participation in school-business partnership activities show significant positive effect on students' hope scale. By analyzing the effect of participation in school-business partnership activities by disadvantaged youths on their development of hope - a positive quality for forging the future, this study provides practical implications on how youth policy may tap into the resources provided by enterprises and the community.


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