  • 期刊


A Study on the Construction Technology of Shelving for Archives




Archives are the records of government agencies and belong to all the people in the country. Once the archives are properly preserved, access to them can be implemented. The archive shelving is an essential infrastructure for archives preservation. If the archive shelving is not properly set up, it will affect the efficiency of archives storage and even damage the archives. According to the statistics of telephone consultations for the construction of the records storage facilities by N.A.A. (National Archives Administration, National Development Council) in 2016, up to 20 % of the questions, are about archive shelving, such as the archive shelving size, the archive shelving configuration, the anti-tip device, the floor design loading, the construction procedure, the bidding doubt, and the executive control or controversy, etc. This study collects relevant information of the archive shelving in foreign countries, and analyzes and studies the outline of the archive shelving, the structure of the archive shelving, and the configuration of the archive shelving. Furthermore, this study combines the practice of the establishment of the archive shelving in the Republic of China (R.O.C.) and proposes the specific construction technology of shelving for archives for the reference of the archive community.


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British Standards Institution(2000).Recommendations for the storage and exhibition of archival documents.British Standards Institution.
Canadian Council of Archives(2003).Basic Conservation of Archival Materials: Revised Edition.Canadian Council of Archives.
Michel, Duchein(ed.),Peter, Walne(ed.)(1988).Archive building and equipment.München:K.G.Saur.

