  • 學位論文


Influence factors for construction duration of Universitiy buildings’ renovation projects

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


校舍建築物的「生命週期」(Life Cycle)可分為規劃、設計、發包、興建、營運,到修繕、整建與保養維護,迄廢棄、拆除等不同階段。以時間觀點而言,校舍建築物90%以上的時間都處於營運、修繕及保養維護管理階段;另就管理使用觀點而言,超過50%以上比例的生命週期效益,亦發生在這個階段,亦即對於校舍建築物的營運、修繕及保養維護管理即顯得格外重要;然在此漫長的生命週期中,『大學校舍修繕作業』在各國立大學總體營繕過程中,每年均佔有相當比例之重要性,以國立政治大學總務處營繕組為例,修繕工程業務即佔每年營繕工程業務70%以上比例。 國立大學校舍修繕工程於履約過程中,由於校舍建築物類別眾多,修繕工程型態複雜,有關修繕工期訂定因素亦有別於新建工程,學校營繕業務單位常被迫以主觀之履約期限作為契約要件,要求廠商限期完工、移交,而導致廠商與主辦機關學校間頻頻發生履約爭議之事件;究其原由,主辦機關於訂定修繕工程履約期限時,均未能充分考量影響訂定修繕工程履約期限之各種重要因素,甚且常以「為完工而完工」之方式,而訂定出無法達成之工程履約期限。 本研究將大學校舍主要分作教學大樓、行政辦公室、圖書閱覽室、資訊視聽室、實驗室、餐廳休閒場館、藝文集會場館、宿舍及體育場館等9大類別,並以結構補強工程、外牆(含門窗)整修工程、防漏處理、建物周邊景觀工程、室內裝修工程、e化設備工程、給排水衛生設備工程及機電空調消防設備工程等8種不同之主要修繕型態,進行整理、分析後,歸納出35種修繕工程履約期限主要影響因子。 本研究以「國立大學校舍修繕工期訂定影響因素之探討」為主題,透過現況調查、專家訪談、歸納與整理、問卷調查以及案例分析等方法與流程,於不同校舍建築類別下之各種校舍修繕型態,探討校舍修繕工程履約期限各種影響重要因素,冀能提出幫助國立大學營繕業務單位,提昇校舍修繕工程之具體建議。


This research aims to explore factors that influence construction period of university buildings and hopes to provide relevant and concrete suggestions to facilitate renovation affairs of national universities in Taiwan. The life cycle of university buildings can be divided into planning, design, out-source, construction, operation, renovation, maintenance and demolition phases. From the timeline perspective, the buildings undergo the operation, renovation and maintenance for 90% of the time. Take Student Affairs Division of National Chengchi University for instance. The renovation of campus buildings accounts for at least 70% of the total renovation projects. Conflicts and disagreements ensue in the process of renovation from various reasons like the complex nature of renovations, lack of consideration for factors involved and the tendency for contractors to “complete renovation for the sake of renovation.” This research divides campus premises into nine major categories: academic buildings, administrative offices, libraries, computer laboratories, experiment labs, recreational areas, art venues, dormitories and sports auditoriums. Eight major renovation projects involved are: structural enhancement, outer wall (including windows and doors) renovation, waterproofing, peripheral landscape, interior decoration, installation of electronic facilities, sanitary drainage and ventilation and hydrants. All the projects are integrated and analyzed. As a result, we come up with thirty-five factors that affect project completion. Through the employment of methodologies such as current status investigation, expert interviews, compilation of relevant researches, questionnaires and case studies, various factors that influence renovation completion dates and campus renovation styles are further categorized and studied systematically.


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