  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 顏上堯


隨著生活品質日益提升,校園新建學生宿舍設施亦日漸新穎,已有套房式宿舍提供住宿學生選擇。然而套房式宿舍每間寢室均有獨立浴廁,寢室數量眾多,裝修工程多工種並有工序限制,工期有限亦須規劃適當數量工班施工,傳統施工管理之工班派遣多為直接派遣工班逕為連續性施工,無系統性規劃,施工前期大致無工作面指派困擾,但隨著接近完工,即易造成各工班無法同時完工、工班閒置情形,連帶影響工期進度,因此多工種及多工班之工作面派遣為施工管理之重要課題。 套房式宿舍浴廁裝修工程屬重複性工程,本研究將依建築空間特性及單元數量合理有效劃分工作區,依據預定工期擬定各工種工班數、確認各寢室浴廁單元數量、工作區施工數量,及各工班工率參數等基本資料,建立數學模式及限制條件,利用Excel軟體製作表格,提供Lingo 8.0 套裝軟體連結輸入資料運算,求得各工種最短工期及最佳化派遣之結果。另為驗證模式之適用性,本研究以元智大學新建學生宿舍工程為範例,測試結果與實務經驗指派方式比較,顯示本研究模式之效益,並經由各項參數之調整進行敏感度分析,觀察敏感度之變化趨勢,以因應實務上變化之參考。


裝修工程 重複性工程 工班 工期 最佳化


With promotion of life quality, new-built students’ dormitory in the campus is increasingly novel and provided with suite type dorm for boarders’ option. However, there’re independent bath lavatories equipped and many bedrooms in such a suite type dorm. Decoration engineering is always multi-type of work, working procedure restriction, time limit for project duration and certain number of gangs for construction. Gangs in traditional construction management are mostly dispatched for directly continuity of construction without systematic planning, causing that assigned problems of no works before construction and easily failure to be completed and influence on progress of project duration as lying idle of each gang when nearly completed. Therefore, work dispatch for multi-type of work and multi-gang is an important issue of construction management. Decoration engineering of bath lavatories in suite dorm is a repetitive project. This study based on architectural space features and unit quantity reasonably and effectively categorized working area, drawing up number of each gang per type of work in accordance with scheduled project duration. Upon confirmation of basic information regarding unit quantity of bath lavatory in each bedroom, the construction quantity in working area and working efficiency parameter per gang, etc., a math model with restricted condition can be established by using Excel form linked with Lingo 8.0 software package to input data for the operations and acquire the shortest project duration and optimized dispatch result per type of work. For applicability of verification mode, this study took new-built students dorm in Yuan Ze University for example. In comparison of test result with assigned method on the basis of practical experience, it showed effectiveness of this study mode that sensitivity analysis can be used to observe changing trend through adjustment of each parameter to respond the change of practice as reference.


2.王慶煌、吳旻謙、方炤琮、黃裕鈞,「以直接成本分配為基礎建立營建工期最佳化模式」,中國土木水利工程學刊,10卷第4期, 第731-741頁,1998。


