  • 學位論文


Anthropometric Analysis of Taiwanese External Nose and Craniofacial Region by MRI

指導教授 : 華筱玲
共同指導教授 : 廖漢文


不同族群其五官及顱顏部型態有所差異,而同族群間不同性別、年齡亦會有不同之型態特性;而臉部五官之中,鼻部乃最為突出明顯的器官,了解其在不同族群、性別、年齡等變項間的差異對於顏面重建或人身鑑別將能提供相當資訊。回顧過往文獻,臺灣目前尚未有顱顏部及鼻部型態相關資料,本研究希望能初步建立台灣地區本土的顱顏部及鼻部型態資料庫。 本研究資料來源為2002年1月至2013年12月於國立臺灣大學附設醫院進行頭部核磁共振攝影之20至80歲臺灣女性及男性的頭部核磁共振影像,利用DICOM軟體針對鼻部及顱顏部型態在正中矢狀平面量取17個直線距離值及14個角度值,在不同軸項平面共量取17個直線距離值和1個角度值,並利用各直線距離值組成14個比例指數。 總共以男性102筆及女性87筆檔案進行測量,且以統計分析討論。研究結果顯示在鼻部及顱顏部直線距離項目男性均大於女性,可推測男性較女性有較大之鼻高、鼻寬、臉長及臉寬;而角度部分,女性結果多大於男性,顯示女性鼻部及顱顏部角度起伏較男性平緩。鼻部型態在年齡較大者符合以往研究有略大的結果。BMI較大組在直線距離有較大的結果,尤以顱顏部寬度差異最為顯著,而身高對鼻部及顱顏型態特性並無特定影響。 我們的研究建立了台灣本土的顱顏部及鼻部型態資料庫,並探討測量結果與性別、年齡、身高以及BMI等變項之間的關係,可作為法醫師顏面重建的參考資料。


Different ethnic groups have different craniofacial framworks and facial features, and there even are some variations between various genders or ages within the same race. Nose is the most prominent facial feature, knowing the sex, age and other variates related alterations of nasal region in varied ethnic groups is crucially important in personal identification and facial recondtruction. To our knowledge, there are no publications of Taiwanese craniofacial and nasal anthropometric study, thus the aim of this study was to create a reference database of craniofacial and nasal regions morphology measurements in Taiwanese population . We used DICOM software to measure the images of Taiwanese adults(aged 20-80)who underwent brain MRI in National Taiwan University Hospital during January, 2002 to December, 2013. Seventeen linear distances and fourteen angles of mid sagittal plane as well as seventeen linear distances and one angle of different axial planes were surveyed, Furthermore, fourteen propotional indices composed of different linear distances were also calculated. After statistically analysis the measurement results of 102 males and 87 females, the data revealed men had larger linear distences and smaller angles when compared to women, it suggests that women have smaller face and nose breadths as well as less prominent facial morphology. Nasal linear distances increased with advancing age. Larger BMI group appeared larger linear distences, especially the ones of craniofacial width. The correlations between body height and the craniofacial or nasal linear distances as well as the angles were not vaild. In this research, we established a database of craniofacial and nasal regions morphology of Taiwanese population We also discussed the the influence of gender, age, body height and BMI on craniofacial morphology. These result can serve as the reference data for forensic facial reconstruction.


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