  • 學位論文


Evaluation of Upper-Extremity Muscle Fatigue Resulting from Continuous Use of Computer Mouse

指導教授 : 黃耀輝


由於電腦圖像使用介面的普及,電腦滑鼠已成為電腦作業中不可或缺與使用頻率最高的指向裝置。本研究之目的為利用電腦作業活動監測軟體VDTlog與表面肌電圖,並配合肌肉骨骼不適自我評估量表,共同評估持續性使用電腦滑鼠之肌肉疲勞的情形,並探討VDTlog軟體與表面肌電圖參數之相關性。 本研究募集30位過去一年無上肢肌肉骨骼相關病史之男性受試者,於己事先設置好之人因工程實驗室內,連續以滑鼠操作一電腦遊戲兩小時。利用己安裝在電腦內之VDTlog軟體監測電腦遊戲中滑鼠使用情形,並同時利用表面肌電圖監測受試者右手伸指肌(extensor digitorum communis)、屈指淺肌(flexor digitorum superficialis)與兩側上斜方肌(bilateral upper trapezius)之肌肉疲勞情形,而利用自我評估量表讓受試者於電腦遊戲開始前、操作電腦遊戲一小時後與實驗結束後評估自覺上肢肌肉骨骼疼痛與疲勞情形。 研究結果顯示,經過兩小時之電腦遊戲後,各肌電圖量測肌肉經頻率與振幅合併分析法(JASA),發現皆有疲勞情形產生。且以右側上斜方肌之肌肉疲勞數為最多,第一小時有9條,第二小時有10條肌肉產生疲勞。自我評估量表結果顯示,上肢各部位疲勞程度皆有隨時間而顯著增加的趨勢,且以肩、頸與眼部之疲勞程度為最高,實驗後之平均得分分別為3.7、3.5與4.4分。而從VDTlog記錄結果發現,電腦遊戲過程中以執行移動滑鼠之頻率最高,佔所有執行動作頻率之48%,而第一、第二小時電腦遊戲移動滑鼠之平均速度為0.72 pixel/ms與0.71 pixel/ms,最大加速度分別為0.13 pixel/ms2、0.125 pixel/ms2,故第二小時之滑鼠移動速度、最大加速度皆比第一小時慢。若以每十分鐘為一時間階段,觀察兩指標之變化,發現皆有隨時間呈一固定變化的趨勢,故平均速度與最大加速度可考慮用來當成操作滑鼠之動作表現評估指標。由VDTlog軟體與表面肌電圖合併分析結果發現,屈指淺肌(FDS)之中位頻率與VDTlog參數之相關性較大,分別與滑鼠移動速度呈正相關,而與敲擊左鍵、右鍵及拖曳之鍵上停置時間呈負相關。故VDTlog軟體可有效的評估電腦滑鼠使用情形,或由移動滑鼠之速度或加速度來評估動作表現的變化,並可與肌電圖或自我評估量表結合,作為評估持續性使用滑鼠之肌肉疲勞的工具。由於VDTlog不易干擾電腦作業員之作業,使用方便,故未來期望將VDTlog應用於職場實地研究(field study),也可為與電腦作業相關之肌肉疲勞評估提供更多指標。


電腦滑鼠 肌肉疲勞 肌電圖 VDTlog


Due to the prevalence of graphical user interface, the computer mouse has become an indispensable input device and is frequently used in the computer works. The aims of this study were to assess the upper-extremity muscle fatigue during the continuous computer mouse use by VDTlog monitoring system, EMG, and self-report for upper-extremity muscles fatigue, and to evaluate the correlation between VDTlog monitoring system and EMG in the fatigue assessment. There were 30 male subjects recruited who didn’t have musculoskeletal disorders of upper extremity in the past year. All subjects were asked to use computer mouse to play a computer game continuously for two hours in an ergonomics laboratory. The VDTlog monitoring system software program was installed in the computer to monitor the activities of computer mouse. EMG was used to monitor the activities of extensor digitorum communis (EDC), flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS), and bilateral upper trapezius during the computer game playing. At the beginning, the end of the first hour of playing game and the end of the second hour of playing, respectively, subjects were asked to assess the upper-extremity muscles fatigue by a self-report questionnaire. The results of joint analysis of EMG spectrum and amplitude (JASA) showed that all target muscles presented significant muscle fatigue by EMG measurement after two hours computer game playing, especially for the right upper trapezius of 9 and 10 muscles in the first and the second hour of computer game playing, respectively. After two-hour computer game playing, it was also found that the extent of self-report fatigue of all parts of upper-extremity increased along with time, especially for the shoulder, neck and eyes, with average scores were 3.7, 3.5 and 4.4, respectively. Besides, the results of VDTlog monitoring showed that mouse movement accounted for the most frequency of mouse activities during the computer game playing, 48% of all mouse actions. The average velocity of mouse movement in the first and the second hours of computer game playing were 0.72 pixel/ms and 0.71 pixel/ms, respectively, and the 99 percentile acceleration were 0.130 pixel/ms2 and 0.125 pixel/ms2. The average velocity and the 99 percentile acceleration were slower in the second hour of computer game playing. The average velocity and maximum acceleration of mouse movement also presented similar trends along the time, and may be used as performance indicators for mouse activities. Combined analysis of VDTlog with EMG, we found that the median frequency of flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) was correlated with the VDTlog related indicators, for example, positively correlated with the average velocity of mouse movement and negatively correlated with the key holding time of left button clicking, right button clicking and dragging activities. It’s concluded that VDTlog monitoring system is able to assess the activities and performance of computer mouse use by the change in velocity or acceleration of mouse movement. VDTlog can also be combined with EMG to assess the upper-extremity muscle fatigue resulting from continuous use of computer mouse. Since it won’t interfere with the computer works and is convenient to operate, VDTlog is anticipated to be used in field study to generate more useful indicators in order to evaluate the muscle fatigue resulting from continuous computer works.


computer mouse muscle fatigue EMG VDTlog


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