  • 學位論文


Public Accountability in Public Service Broadcasting:the Case of BBC

指導教授 : 林麗雲


自1980年代以來,英國廣播協會(British Broadcasting Corporation, BBC)存在的正當性與必要性屢屢受到質疑,為了回應外界壓力,抗衡來自政府或市場的力量,BBC形成媒體問責制度,維持組織獨立精神,2007年的組織轉型更強化了向公民問責的特色。本研究嘗試探討:BBC發展媒體問責制度的歷史脈絡為何?轉型後的BBC理事會(Trust)又是如何透過媒體問責制度與公民互動? 本研究以歷史制度主義為視角,以文獻資料蒐集法為工具,將BBC發展媒體問責制度的過程鑲嵌於歷史脈絡中理解。其次,本研究觀察理事會與公民的互動過程,了解媒體問責制度的權力關係、公民行為與認知、公共利益等面向。 研究結果顯示,BBC從創立時就具備向全國民眾負責的概念,此概念成為發展媒體問責制度的基礎條件。自組織轉型之後,理事會與公民的互動形式分為四種類型:(1)針對整體閱聽人進行公眾意見調查、定期發布年度營運報告與理事會的會議記錄,意圖藉由組織公開透明,建立與公眾之間的信任關係。(2)定期召開閱聽人諮詢委員會,促使積極的公民參與問責體系,而該管道確實有助於達成審議式民主。(3)徵詢利益團體意見,傾聽長期觀察特定議題之公民團體對於BBC的策略建議。(4)接受國會質詢,理論上是更加有效的問責力量,然而實際執行時卻有政治干預之嫌。 最後,本研究認為BBC制度可為台灣公廣機構發展媒體問責制度提供以下參考:1.賦予法律強制力,明訂界定董事會與公民、或者其他利害關係人之間的問責角色、權利與義務。2.將問責概念落實於各個管理層級、事務評估標準、實際執行方法,避免問責過程與組織日常運作脫鉤。


This thesis examines public accountability mechanisms in the British Broadcasting Corporation: how historical context influenced the mechanisms, and how the BBC Trust has interacted with citizens based on the Royal Charter since 2007. To figure out those two questions, this study takes historical institutionalism approach to analyze data. The finding suggests that the BBC took different actions in an attempt to respond to the public's need for services and expectations about the BBC in different stages. Moreover, the BBC has interacted with citizens in different ways based approach to accountability since organizational transformation in 2007. First, for all licence fee payers, the BBC consults them by audience researches and regularly publishes information about how the BBC work. Second, for active citizen, the BBC selects representatives and regularly consults them in the audience council. The evidence shows that the council contributes to deliberative democracy. Third, for interest groups, the BBC consults them for specific issues to improve organizational strategy. Fourth, for another form of citizen representatives, the BBC accepts question in U.K. Parliament occasionally. Although Parliament may promote good governance, it may also trigger political interference in the governing process. Last but not least, results from this study also demonstrate some important concerns of public accountability mechanism for public broadcasting service in Taiwan.


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