  • 學位論文


The Resistance Practice of Grassroots Social Workers from 2007 to 2017 : A Narrative Analysis with Life Course Perspective

指導教授 : 陳怡伃


這是一本坐落於臺灣近二十年歷史時空,從基層社工行動者的抵抗歷程敘事探究其行動意圖、行動樣態以及認同意識的論文。1987年臺灣政治解嚴,民主化與社會運動浪潮夾雜著社會福利爭取,1990年代起臺灣的社福體制透過大量立法、推動福利民營化、發展社工專業人力得以順勢拓展,環境所需預告了接下來社工專業人員法制化的進程。社福體制快速擴張的同時,政府約聘社工員非典型勞動長年未決的爭議浮上檯面,基層社工訴求正式納編勞動權、學界呼籲專業化取信社會,兩股力量交織出1997年社會工作師立法:作為社工面對現代社會專業分工競合的生存籌碼。接續二十年社工歷史時空的凝結——當代「社工專業計畫工程」建造完工,卻留下諸多爭議,這是行動者身處社工場域的結構力量。但歷史時空不會自動萌生抵抗行動、也不會全然主導行動意圖、更無法理解行動意義;因此,選擇從行動者歷程的視角出發,分析其能動與認同,看見其與歷史時空的聯繫,是我對臺灣當前社會工作發展困局達到同情的理解、與之溝通的初步嘗試。 本文以八位自1997年陸續走上助人路徑、後紛紛展開抵抗行動的社工行動者經驗為本,依循其助人來時路、學生階段專業養成、工作階段勞動過程,描繪出社工的生命歷程——一段立基於「專業關係—勞雇關係」的「助人路徑」。透過考察這些人在專業工程裡如何從原本直前的助人路徑到開展抵抗行動的軌跡變化,我看見一個人之所以起身抵抗,是由助人路徑的轉折與階段轉換經驗交織而生,從個人到群體堆疊成一場「2007-2017年基層社工抵抗實踐」進行式,從中我發現:其一,文獻耙梳及行動勾勒出社工專業計畫工程的結構力量輪廓及運作:以專業證照制度對外區隔出社工勞動力市場、對內製造競爭的專業遊戲規則,同時在「專業教育—專業證照—勞動市場」之間作為「吸納—分流」機制;特別自2006年公職社工師制度形構出薪資差距大的公/私內部勞動市場,更強化專業證照於工程的地位。其二,形成異議群體、順勢對抗為主的局外行動樣態反映了專業工程霸權效應;行動時機點則揭示了個人與歷史交會的看穿與限制。其三,行動歷程產生的認同意識指出了更深層意涵:「專業—勞動」矛盾情結——此源自歷史時空的產物名叫甘願受迫,是內在於行動者支持其路徑前行、抵抗持續的認同根源。


行動者 生命歷程 社會工作 抵抗 認同 專業 勞動權益


The study is based on narrative of eight grassroots social workers about intention, patterns, and consciousness of identity of their resistance practice. Taiwan’s political dissolution in 1987 followed by a series of social movements facilitated massive changes in the social welfare system. Afterwards the social service delivery systems went privatization in 1990s and the professionalization of social work embarked. In the past 20 years, the completion of the "Profession Construction of Social Work" has left a great deal of controversy and worked as the structural strength of grassroots social workers. This study aims to analysis agency of the resistance practice and examines its connection with history from a life course perspective. The attempt is to communicate the full picture of social work shaped and shared by the actors involved. The eight social workers interviewed all started their route to becoming a helper around 1997 and participated in resistance practice sooner or later. This essay draws the life course of these social workers, in which they committed to social work, took undergraduate or/and graduate education in social work, and became employed as social workers or social movement activists. By investigating how these actors changed their route from the original direction to undertaking resistance activities, I saw that the reason why a person rises from resistance is cause of the interweave of structural turning points and transition in personal life course. Three major findings can be drown from the 2007-2017 grassroots social workers’ resistance practice. First, in Profession Construction of Social Work the licensing institution creates a game for competition among segmented social worker labor markets. In particular, the examination system established in 2006 strengthened the absorption—diversion mechanism of “professional education—professional license—professional labor market”. Second, the pattern of resistance practice includes forming dissent groups and homeopathic confrontation. It reflects hegemony effect of the Social Work Profession Construction since the timing of resistance tend to reveal these actors’ penetration and limitation. Third, the awareness of identity generated in the course of resistance practice leads to a contradiction complex of being a professional as well as a labor. This study regards such identity awareness in a state of consent that has been derived from the past twenty years history, and inherent in these actors’ identity and practice.


agency life course social work resistance identity profession labor right


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