  • 學位論文


Integrating land use model and hydrological model for landscape ecology planning and management in watersheds

指導教授 : 林裕彬


集水區具有涵養水源、水土保持、生態保育的功能,而集水區之土地利用為所有生態及環境系統之結構基礎,其影響集水區生態及環境系統之變化及永續力。國內目前對於土地資源、水資源的需求不斷增加,集水區在人為因素與自然因素的交互作用影響下,產生許多環境保全、資源保育的問題,故為維持水體水質品質、水資源及人民生命財產安全,集水區的規劃與管理已成為當前國土永續利用與管理之重要議題。因此藉由評估土地利用政策對於空間格局與水文量之影響,為當前集水區規劃與管理的重要課題。 本研究首先探討土地利用變遷之驅動力,運用土地利用變遷模式CLUE-s,模擬五堵集水區於不同管理政策下,在西元1999年至2020年間土地利用變化的情形,並以地理資訊系統軟體Arc View 3.0之Patch Analysis模組,計算且比較不同情境下的景觀生態指數變化,分析各土地利用變遷情境之格局及其生態意涵,比較不同管理情境下土地利用之格局變化,且整合水文模式SWAT,探討集水區管理政策對土地利用之影響,其反應至水文環境之水文量差異,此外,亦考量不同空間尺度對於土地利用與水文分析結果之影響。 研究結果顯示空間限制政策影響土地利用變遷之空間格局更甚於土地利用轉換政策,水文量之模擬亦受到不同的空間限制政策而有顯著影響。綜合景觀指數與水文量之模擬結果,若考量景觀生態面向,本研究建議結合農地釋出政策以及森林與山坡地限制開發的空間政策,以做為五堵集水區未來規劃管理之依據,若考量水資源管理面向,本研究建議結合農地釋出政策以及森林限制開發的空間政策於五堵集水區之規劃管理,而所使用之資料的網格大小則建議在100 m × 100 m為以內。


Watersheds conserve soil, water, and habitats; as a result, watersheds play an important role in ecology and environment. Land uses of watersheds are the base of ecology and environmental systems that can influence the variation and sustainability of watersheds. Developing an approach for simulating and assessing land use changes and their effects on land use patterns and hydrological processes at the watershed level is essential for land use and water resource planning and management. This study provides a novel approach that combines a land use change model, landscape metrics and a watershed hydrological model with an analysis of impacts of future land use scenarios on land use pattern and hydrology. The proposed models are applied to assess the impacts of different land use scenarios that include various spatial and non-spatial policies in the Wu-Tu watershed. The objective of this study is to analyze the planning strategies and observe the scaling effects on both simulated land-use patterns and hydrological components for the study watershed. The results revealed that spatial constriction policies have more significant impacts than agriculture conversion policies on land use spatial pattern and simulated hydrological components. Considering both spatial patterns and simulated hydrological results: from the spatial perspective, this study recommends taking free-agriculture conversion policy and forest and slope area constriction policy as the planning strategy of the Wu-Tu watershed. From the hydrological perspective, however, this study recommends taking free-agriculture conversion policy and forest constriction policy. According to the results of spatial scale effect, the grain size of this study area should be smaller than 100 m × 100 m.


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