  • 學位論文

台灣衛星導航產業進入中國市場的競爭策略 — 以A公司為例

Taiwan's Satellite Navigation Industry Competitive Strategy to enter the Chinese Market —A case study of A Company

指導教授 : 郭瑞祥 許瑋元


自2004年開始短短三年時間,台灣已在全球導航產業中扮關鍵角色,資通訊技術演進瞬息萬變,行動裝置的功能和平臺的選擇亦產生重大的變化。但是隨著智慧型手機的普及,近年來LBS行動商務應用趨勢熱絡。如今幾乎完全取代了傳統的PND可攜式衛星導航裝置,這對台灣廠商來說是機會亦是威脅。台灣的品牌,代工廠商必須瞭解自我的企業價值,密切注意科技的發展以維持競爭力,同時必須有明確的競爭策略,才能在競爭者眾的產業中脫穎而出。 本研究是透過個案探討來了解導航產業的競爭策略及其發展。本研究內容包含: 一、分析衛星導航產業的市場概況及五力分析、產品之應用及未來發展。 二、探討個案公司SWOT分析模型,並了解在衛星導航產業所處環境之優劣勢,並做為未來規劃與策略之基礎。 三、分析個案公司自成立以來之競爭發展,將其歸納整理同時參考近來國內外競爭產商發展策略經驗,並檢視個案公司現況,同時提出是當建議當作參考。


Since 2004, Taiwan Suppliers had taken a key role in the global navigation industry within three years. The fast-changing information and communication technology (ICT) also drove the evolvement of functions and platforms of mobile communication. As smart phones get more and more popular, LBS mobile commerce has become the mainstream application and it has almost replaced the traditional PND potable navigation device. The changes in the market place have brought threats as well as opportunities for Taiwan manufacturers. In order to be a winner in the competitive market, both Taiwan brand and OEM companies must understand their own value and keep a close eye to the development of technologies. Also, they should have clear competitive strategies and try their best to build their competiveness so that they can become the winners among the competitors. Based on a case study, the research explores the competitive strategies and development of navigation industry. It consists of the following sessions: 1. The analysis on the overall market status based on Porter’s Five Forces, and product application and future development of the navigation industry. 2. A case study using the SWOT analysis for the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This analysis serves as the building blocks for future planning and strategies development. 3. Try to understand the major competitive strategies of the case company by analyzing and summarizing the strategies adopted since it was established. Get further insight and provide recommendations for reference by comparing the case company’s competitive strategies with those of its domestic and foreign rivals and further reviewing the case company’s current competitive position.


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