  • 學位論文


Large-Scale Rapid-Prototyping with Zometool

指導教授 : 陳炳宇


最近因為三維印表機的取得容易許多,使得個人化製造的相 關領域受到較多關注,但是一般市面上的三維印表機存在兩個大 問題: 需要較長的列印時間以及輸出受限於印表機大小,這些問 題使得市售的3D 印表機無法做到快速大型原型生成,在此研究 中,我們提出一個有效率的方法來使用龍圖兒(Zometool) 做出一 個近似原三維模型的結果。 為了要使組裝更容易以及使用更少材料,方法中使用了大區 塊的形狀抽象化,輸入的三維模型先以分區法分為許多類似圓柱 形的區塊,接著將各區塊的邊界轉為環形的龍圖兒結構,之後再 以搜尋最短路徑的方法找尋環形之間的連接結構,最後再順著各 分區的軸產生一些中間的環來逼近原三維模型,此論文並附上一 些實際拼出的結果圖與分析圖表來展示本研究方法的實用性。 本研究提供一個系統來實現所有論文中提到的演算法,並且 加入良好的圖形化使用者介面使的結果有更好的呈現,同時以此 介面加速使用者組合實際龍圖兒原型的過程,在最後將會附上系 統圖呈現。


In recent years, personalized fabrication has attracted much attention due to the greatly improved accessibility of consumer-level 3D printers. However, consumer 3D printers still suffers from the relatively long production time and limited output size, which are undesirable factors to large-scale rapidprototyping. In this paper, we present an efficient method to approximate a given 3D shape with Zometool. To achieve ease of assembly and economic usage of building units, the proposed method generates the Zometool structures through a higher level of shape abstraction. The input model is first partitioned into a collection of generalized cylinders by mesh segmentation. The boundaries of mesh segments are converted into ring-like structures and inter-linked by finding the shortest path between them. Additional ring structures are then added along the representative axis of each segment to better approximate the underlying 3D shape. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method by a variety of 3D models along with examples of the physically fabricated objects.


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