  • 學位論文


The Evaluation of Recreational Carrying Capacity In Gaomei Wetland

指導教授 : 李建堂


承載力 (carrying capacity) 的概念最初為探討自然環境所能支撐之生物數 量,為應用於經營管理上的方法,而往後延伸至戶外遊憩研究中,發展出遊憩 承載力 (recreational carrying capacity),討論遊憩使用對於環境與社會的衝擊, 並透過限制遊憩的使用人數,來維持環境與遊憩活動的永續發展,而過去台灣 對於遊憩承載力的研究大多僅注重於遊客心理感受之分析,較少同時考量遊憩 承載力的不同面向,如實質、設施等承載力。 高美溼地提供了生態保育與遊憩的服務,在近年來遊客數不斷增加的情況 下,除了破壞當地的生態環境,也影響遊客的遊憩體驗。因此,本研究選擇高美溼地作為研究區,透過不同的評估指標進行高美溼地木棧步道的遊憩承載力評估,包含單次可容納遊客數之瞬時承載力,及透過週轉率的計算而推估每日之總承載力。在不同面向的承載力評估方法上,以木棧步道的面積作為實質承載力的評估依據,計算木棧步道的最大遊客容納量;以停車位數量估算設施承載力;以相片評估法進行影像模擬並以問卷形式進行調查,了解遊客在不同使用程度下之常模變化,作為社會承載力的評估依據,最後進一步討論最適之遊憩承載力,並給予木棧步道上之遊客人數的控管建議,希望能透過遊客數的控制,使得遊憩活動的需求、遊客體驗、遊憩活動永續發展可以達到平衡。 研究結果指出,木棧步道上之每日最適遊客人數為 6,800 人,然而考量高 美溼地遊客數量在時間上的分佈不均,因此木棧步道的遊客數量限制應採用瞬 時承載力作為基礎,即控制一次進入木棧步道的遊客人數,而非一日之總遊客 數,本研究建議將單次進入步道上之遊客人數限制門檻設立在 600 人較適合, 且可採取只管控下午遊客數的方式,以紓解遊客人潮帶來的壓力。


Carrying capacity was a concept of operation and management, which initially used to investigate the numbers of community that the environment could support, later extended to outdoor recreation studies and formed “Recreational carrying capacity”. Recreational carrying capacity focus on the environmental and social impact of recreation use, and through limiting the number of visitors to maintain the recreational sustainable development. However, present studies of recreational carrying capacity in Taiwan put emphasis on the perception of visitors more than the other aspects. Gaomei Wetland, which is famous for its well-preserved habitats, become one of the most well-known and popular coastal wetlands in Taiwan. However, the growing number of the tourist has not only made Gaomei Wetland overcrowded, but caused harm to the environment. The main purpose of this study is to research the recreational carrying capacity of the wooden trail in Gaomei Wetland. By means of assessing the physical carrying capacity based on the area of the trail, the facility carrying capacity by counting the amounts of parking spaces, and using visual approach to quantify visitors’ experience for evaluting the social carrying capacity respectively. As a result, the suitable numbers of visitors should be 6,800 arrivals a day, however, considering that the visitors are not equally distributed in one day, we suggest that the recreational carrying capacity of the wooden trail should be limited to 600 arrivals per unit of time. The results of this study could help the local government restrain the number of the tourists in Gaomei Wetland to maintain the environmental sustainability.


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