  • 學位論文


Exploring the influence of the learning environment on students through color analysis

指導教授 : 任立中


鑒於2020年開始的新冠肺炎橫行全球,台灣在2021年5月疫情嚴峻,也開啟了台灣教育史上最大規模之居家線上學習模式。自從線上學習興起,各界對於究竟是校園學習還是居家線上學習更適合學童存在著不同見解。 本研究透過新穎的畫測問卷設計,分別於居家學習期間以及校園學習期間進行了著色調查,兩階總計回收約6000張畫作,應用圖像色彩辨識,建構出「著色豐富度」 及 「六大色系用色程度」 兩指標來比較學童兩階段前後的著色差異。第二階段問卷中,另對600多位學童額外進行Blob Tree圖像認知測驗以調查學童情緒性格,並分析情緒性格與畫測用色間之關聯性,藉此去推論出指標改變背後所隱含的意涵,及不同學習環境下對學童帶來的影響。 統計分析結果顯示,學童回到校園後會著色豐富度提升,且紅、綠、紫三色系的使用量增加,橘、黃兩色系使用量減少,藉過往的色彩心理學研究與Blob Tree測驗結果可推論校園學習能提升孩童的獨立性與積極主動性。 關鍵字:用色分析、色彩心理學、Blob Tree、居家學習、校園學習


As a result of Covid-19, Taiwan launched the largest scale ever of online distance learning in May 2021. Since the online learning began to flourish, there are different opinions on whether school learning or online learning is more appropriate for students. We designed a coloring survey. The survey was conducted during the distance learning period and the school learning period. A total of 6,000 drawings were collected in both stages. We defined two indicators, "color richness" and "degree of color usage in six major colors ". They were used to compare the coloring differences between the two stages. In the second stage of the survey, more than 600 students were given an additional Blob Tree image cognitive test to investigate their emotion and personality and to analyze the correlation between their personality and the color used in the drawing, in order to infer the meaning behind the change in the indicators and to find out the impact on the students in different learning environments. The results of the statistical analysis showed that the students' color richness in drawing increased after returning to school, and the use of red, green, and purple colors increased, while the use of orange and yellow colors decreased. Based on previous color psychology studies and the Blob Tree test, the result suggest that school learning can enhance children's independence and motivation. Keywords: Color analysis, Color Psychology, Blob Tree, Distance learning, School learning


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