  • 學位論文


A Proposed Earned Income Tax Credit Program in Taiwan: Its Simulated Impacts on Labor Supply

指導教授 : 李顯峰


臺灣這幾年的貧負差距有逐漸擴大跡象,以吉尼係數或五等分所得差距倍數來看,2001年是惡化最嚴重的一年,之後呈現緩和改善;以低收入戶占總戶數比例來看,此比例亦逐年提高,分析組成結構,發現落入貧窮線邊緣的家庭有不斷增加的趨勢,但赤貧的情況逐漸減少。與世界各國相比,我國貧富差距程度屬較不嚴重等級,但仍應密切注意。 馬總統在競選2008年總統時提出「對中低收入勞動家庭實施退稅補貼『468方案』」(又稱EITC)的政見,目的是要將落入「新貧」的中產階級家庭,從貧窮邊緣挽救回來。本文主要研究此政策在國外的實施情況,並以美國、英國及韓國為主要研究對象。實證分析部分,以行政院主計處民國95年人力運用調查報告(由中央研究院調查研究專題中心釋出)作為資料庫,以扶養未成年子女家庭為對象,使用Tobit model作迴歸分析,研究若實施EITC是否會增加勞動供給。 比較各國實施情況後發現:我國如要實施EITC政策,建議採用美國的設計模式,有抵減遞增階段、抵減固定階段、抵減遞減階段,且抵減遞增階段的補助比率要高於抵減遞減階段的遞減率,可避免打擊工作意願。補助對象建議為扶養未成年子女的家庭,區分為家庭成員人數2人、3人、4人等3種情況(4人以上者以4人計),且不限制必須全年度投保勞保,並設有防弊規定及排富條款。其他包括單身、沒有扶養未成年子女的家庭、扶養65歲以上一親等直系尊親屬部分、扶養其他親屬部分均不列為補助對象。並應以謹慎保守的態度設計架構,規模不宜過大,因為此一福利政策的支出規模會不斷擴張,難以控制。 實證結果顯示,薪資對數對工作時間對數的影響是非常顯著的正效果,這表示透過EITC提高薪資可能可以增加勞動供給,女性勞動力的彈性為0.183571、男性勞動力的彈性為0.122837,女性勞動力的彈性大於男性。


The gap between rich and poor in Taiwan keeps getting wider over the past few years. According to the Gini Coefficient and the gap between top-20 to bottom-20 of income distribution, the gap became to worsen most seriously in 2001 and gradually to be improved later. Year by year, the percentage of low income families in total families increases gradually. Analyzing the structure between rich and poor, we find that even more and more families fall into the poverty line, but the extremely poor families becomes less. Comparing with other countries of the world, the problem of rich-poor gap in Taiwan is not serious. But we still should pay attention to it. During the President Campaign in 2008, Mr. Ma proposed the EITC policy to secure the middle-class families from the edge of the poverty line. This study investigates the implementation effect of the EITC policy in United States, United Kingdom, and South Korea respectively. In the empirical analysis, the research data source is from the Manpower Utilization Survey of DGBAS of Executive Yuan. The research object is the household with minor children of Taiwan. In this study, the Tobit model is used to investigate whether the implementation of EITC would raise the labor supply. Comparing the implementation of EITC among the investigated countries, we suggest that the system in United States is more suitable for Taiwan. The system includes three steps that are the phase-in range, the plateau range, and the phase-out range. Besides, the rate of phase-in range should be higher than that of phase-out. This would encourage people to get a job. The object of supplement is the household whose family member is more than two. The applicants do not need the annual labor insurance for qualification and the anti-corruption clause is included in this system. Some specific households such as the rich people, the single, the household without minor children, the household with parents over 65 years old, or with other relatives should be excluded in the supplement system. The system should be planed in a conservative way to control its budget because this welfare expenditure is possible to expand enormously later. The empirical result shows that the salary effects the working hour significantly in logarithm. The regression coefficient in the model is positive. That means the implement of EITC may increase the labor supply. The labor elasticity for female is 0.18 that is more than the male’s 0.12.


EITC WFTC Negative Income Tax Personal Income Tax


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