  • 學位論文


Gender Differences in Leadership Behavior and Leadership Effectiveness

指導教授 : 鄭伯壎


由於過去研究僅指出女性領導者較傾向展現民主、參與式領導與轉型式領導風格(Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & Engen, 2003;Trinidad & Normore, 2005),但並未指出女性領導者展現這些領導行為時將具有高度效能。因此本研究旨在探究領導效能展現的性別差異,以深入瞭解以下三項研究重點:一、使男性與女性領導者各自成為具有高度效能之領導者的關鍵何在?二、具有高度效能的男性與女性領導者,其領導風格的展現是否有顯著的差異?三、女性領導者展現與男性領導者相同的特定領導風格或策略時,其效果是否與男性領導者相當?本研究藉由量化研究取向輔以質化資料,針對實務界的現狀進行探究。研究首先對男性領導者與女性領導者的效能展現做出詳盡的測量以篩選出領導效能(高、低)乘上領導者性別(男、女)共四種組合之研究對象,再利用關鍵事例法蒐集研究對象領導風格與策略豐富的描述,從中對前述三項研究重點進行深入分析。研究結果發現,高效能男性領導者與女性領導者之間的領導行為展現,確實存有差異,其中「上行下效」、「堅持目標絕不輕易妥協」、「保有權力距離感」以及「鼓勵部屬自學」為高效能男性領導者獨有的領導行為;而「妥善運用多元溝通技巧」、「強化自我同舟共濟的使命感」、「隨時保有高度敏感力」、「善用網絡資源」則是高效能女性領導者獨有的領導行為。歸納所有研究資料推論得知,富有高領導效能的男性領導者善用前引指揮型的領導模式帶領團隊前進,而高領導效能的女性領導者則採與團隊成員並肩向前的中心凝聚型領導模式。最後將根據研究結果,進一步討論理論貢獻與實務應用。


Previous studies show that female leaders are inclined to deliver democratic, participative and transformational leadership(Eagly, Johannesen-Schmidt, & Engen, 2003; Trinidad & Normore, 2005); however, none of these conclusions highlight that such leadership would lead to higher effectiveness. Therefore, this study was to explore gender differences in leadership effectiveness and following is three research points for a deeper understanding: 1. Key essentials of becoming high effectiveness leaders for male and female leaders respectively. 2. Significant differences of leadership behavior between male and female leaders. 3. Is leadership effectiveness consistent between a female and male leader when female carries out same leadership strategies as male does? The study supplemented quantitative research with qualitative data and explored several practical scenarios. First of all, through a conduct of exhaustive list of criteria of measurements on male and female leaders, a matrix with leader effectiveness(high, low)and gender(male, female)was formed. Afterwards, through critical incident technique we collected leadership styles and strategy descriptions from the three research points in-depth analysis. The results showed that there are differences in high leadership effectiveness male leaders and female leaders once they display leadership behaviors. The unique leadership behaviors on high leadership effectiveness of male leader are “Superiors are imitated by their inferiors”, “Insisting the goal”, “Maintaining a power distance”, and “Encouraging subordinates to study by themselves”. On the other hand, the unique leadership behaviors on high leadership effectiveness of female leader are “Using multiple communication skills”, “Reinforcing team spirit idea: we are on the same boat”, “Keeping high sensitivity”, and “Leveraging networking resources such as senior subordinates”. To summarize, male leaders with high leadership effectiveness usually give direct instructions to lead a team, while female leaders with high leadership effectiveness apply cohesion leadership style to propel a team going forward. The last part further discusses theoretical contributions and practical applications.


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